EEO Redress

REDRESS is a Postal Service mediation program (EEO Equal Opportunity). The program that gives employees the opportunity to resolve employment disputes and work towards reaching mutual solutions quickly. It’s an opportunity to meet face to face with management 

The program is informal, and its goal is to work out a settlement that satisfies everyone, this is not always available at a formal hearing. The settlement is binding once its signed by both parties and therefore concludes the EEO REDRESS process.


REDRESS is confidential, voluntary, free (no cost to the employee) and on the clock. There are no witnesses called. Nobody testifies under oath. Your information is not shared, and any notes taken during the mediation are collected and destroyed before you leave the mediation. 


Branch 6000 has several experienced EEO representatives for any member who qualifies for a REDRESS EEO hearing. If you think you have a complaint that can be handled through the REDRESS EEO do not hesitate to call the branch . When you do call identify yourself, the office you work at and a number you can be reached at. Your full-Time Officer will return your call. If its determined that REDRESS may be a help to you Branch 6000 will request a trained EEO representative to reach out to you. Only a Branch 6000 representative will call you. Any person calling you at your station representing themselves as your Postal EEO representative is NOT the appointed Branch 6000 representative. You do not have to discuss your dispute with this individual.  Should this happen to you simply tell that person you have a Branch 6000 Representative.  The REDRESS is meant to be uncomplicated. 


THE MEDIATOR is an impartial third party.  At the start of the Redress the mediator will explain how mediation works and answer any questions that you have. You and your supervisor will have the opportunity to tell your side of the dispute. The mediator will explain the settlement reached is binding for “everyone”. If no settlement is reached “you’ve lost nothing” you may continue to move forward with counseling or a formal complaint. Of course, it may be in your best interest to leave with a settlement, however if the parties can’t keep to task and make a resolve this is not always feasible. 


Please do not give up during the redress by getting frustrated from the onset and then walking away. Try to discuss some sort of settlement. You can always ask the mediator for time alone with your representative. Then you can step out of the Redress Hearing and talk to the Representative before the both of you return to continue the hearing.  The mediator and your representative are there to help the parties come to a resolve concerning the dispute. 


For Example: In an injury case involving a challenge by the Postal Service to OWCP there may be a dispute involving Continuation of Pay (COP) by the employee who is waiting for a decision from his /her appealed case. Ask that the settlement state that as soon as the decision is made (assuming in this case the decision will be favorable to the employee) that management is required to reinstate all sick leave and annual leave within 2 pay periods. This will ensure timely payment of any Continuation of Pay that may be owed because OWCP provided a favorable decision upon the outcome of the appeal. We all know that the Postal Service can be unreasonably slow in processing Pay Adjustments and this settlement assures a guarantee to the employee.


A few examples that may warrant EEO REDRESS include:

1- Dispute over COP (Continuation of pay)

2-Dispute over light duty 

3- Dispute over the conduct of a supervisor 

4-Dispute over unfair termination of an employee 

5- Dispute over a Supervisor’s behavior because an employee filed an EEO complaint against them.


Again, if you think EEO REDRESS could help your situation please do not hesitate to try!


I would like to wish everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends!

Hope to see you at the branch meeting.

Patricia McDermott

Area Representative


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