Hostile Work Environment

We are all faced with stressful situations every day.  Whether it is problems at home due to illness, marital situations, finances, living arrangements, or the uncertainty of what is to come with our job, we are all feeling it. 

That is where my concern is.  We can all see it as it is all around us, and it is scary!  It is like walking on eggshells. What do you do?  Talk about it; ask questions; or seek help.  What you don’t want to do is be the aggressor.  If you find yourself about to lose it while on the workroom floor, maybe it is time to cool out; go home or talk to someone.

Your fellow co-workers should be treated with respect and fairness by you.  They may not share the same work ethic or ideas, but don’t make it your problem.  No one should be ridiculed or taunted.  This also falls under the zero tolerance policy.

We have some insensitive Managers out there who don’t care or don’t know how to care, treat you, or talk to you.  Many times this is due to their uncertainty with the job, their inexperience, or their unwillingness to learn.  This is where the problems start.  From what I am hearing, it is thought to be ok to stand in the middle of the floor and talk to you in a condescending manner, and to demand (not ask or tell) that you do the impossible. 

These are the same Managers who don’t know the job or don’t know how this job has changed. These are the same Managers who have only been on this job for one or two years; couldn’t cut it as a craft employee, jumped to be a 204B and get upward mobility but with no knowledge of the job.  These are the same Managers who have problems of their own, come to work, and take them out on other employees.  These are the same Managers who know you have things going on in your personal life, and are waiting to set you off so they can get rid of their problem, which is you.  You cannot let this happen. Keep calm!  Don’t let anyone set you off.  You will be the one accused of creating a hostile work environment as you are being escorted out of the building.

And, if one of your neighboring co-workers is going through some tough times, talk to them, reassure them, and lend support.  I am just putting this out there because these are desperate times.  No one needs to put themselves or their job in jeopardy because they are unable to hold it together.

Remember, the Joint Statement on Violence and Behavior in the Workplace applies to all employees.

Carol Brown

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


EEO Redress


General Thoughts and Concerns