Protecting Yourself from Cold Stress

Now that the cold winter months are upon us it is important that Letter Carriers dress warmly, wear the proper footwear if snow and ice develop and take other precautions to protect yourself from illness caused by cold temperatures and or dampness.   This is especially true now that Letter Carriers in most instances are working outside on the street delivering mail for longer hours than ever before.    

Exposure to cold weather increases the chances of illness or injury to one self.  That’s why it is important for every Letter Carrier to become aware how to prevent any such illness or injury that may occur due to the cold.

The following are different types of cold stress illnesses or injuries including their Symptoms.


Early Symptoms include Shivering, Fatigue, Confusion and or Loss of Consciousness.

Later Symptoms Include Blue Skin, Dilated Pupils, Slow Pulse and or Loss of Consciousness. 


FROSBITE : Frostbite is an injury to the body caused by freezing, which can cause loss of feeling, change in skin color, skin damage, amputation of the affected area.

Symptoms of Frostbite include Reduce blood flow to the hands and feet, Numbness, Tingling and Blue pale and or waxy skin.

TRENCH FOOT: Trench foot is an injury to the feet, caused by prolong exposure to wet and cold conditions.

Symptoms of Trench Foot include Reddening of the Skin, Blistering, Numbness, Leg Cramps, Tingling, bleeding under the skin and or Gangrene.    


CHILBLAINS: Chilblains are a tissue that is caused by repeated exposure to cool, humid temperatures.

Symptoms of Chilblains include Reddening of the Skin, Blistering, Itching, Inflammation and Ulceration in Severe cases.  

The following steps should be followed in order to protect yourself as letter carriers from dangers of ill effects that can be caused by Cold Stress.

1)      Wear proper attire for the weather conditions. Examples: Wear layers of clothing, and Water-resistant clothing when it is raining or snowing.

2)      Protect your face and extremities by wearing Hats Gloves Boots etc.

3)      Stay as dry as possible when able.

4)      Take short breaks in warm area’s on cold days and if possible drink warm or hot fluids.  

5)      Monitor your Physical condition and do not ignore any of the above mentioned symptoms if they occur.     

In addition if you instructed at any time by a Supervisor to break up your contractual street breaks and lunch to prevent you from the dangers of the cold weather then contact the branch office and speak to an Officer.  This holds true of course if at any time you exhibit one of the Symptoms mentioned above that may develop due to cold stress and are instructed that you must return to the street immediately before the symptoms subsides.  

At this time I would like to wish all my Brother and Sister Letter Carriers and their families a Happy Holiday season and safe and healthy New Year to all.

Tom Kelly

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


Occupational Disease or Illness Checklist


EEO Redress