2020: A New Resolution for the New Year

Almost all of us want to start the New Year off with a promise to ourselves that it will be a better year than the previous one. A lot of us commit to losing weight and improving our health. Many also say they will reduce their debt(s). Others make commitments to be a better person and to change their attitudes. All of us try to find something to help improve us from the previous year. We set goals and targets for ourselves to show the progress we are making. Change is never easy because the habits we have already established make change difficult.

I would ask all letter carriers as we begin 2020 to consider making a commitment that will be of benefit to themselves and their Families, especially in the year 2020. In November of 2020, you are going to have an opportunity to vote for the President of the United States and for every member of the US House of Representatives. Your fate and the fate of your Family and our organization may hang in the balance based on who is victorious in November 2020.

The reason that I say your “fate” hangs in the balance is because the President and Members of the House and the US Senate (currently neither senator in New York is up for re-election) could well decide the future of the Postal Service.

Since the Great Post Office “strike of March 1970” there has been a gradual erosion of why we still need a monopoly for the Postal Service. Our competitors would like to open the mailbox to delivery from other companies. They would only do that, however, where it is profitable. They would literally “skim” those parts of the service that are profitable. If successful, this would only compound the financial problems of the Postal Service and probably lead to a reduction in service. Would there 5 day, 4 day or 3 day delivery? Maybe we would only need to deliver the mail 1 day a week.

Presently, we have not been able to negotiate a “new” National Agreement. One item that the Postal Service has placed on their agenda is to eliminate the “no lay-off” clause that protects any postal worker that have 6 years of career employment from being “laid-off.”

It is estimated that 40,000 letter carrier are eligible to retire. If the postal service were to be successful with the elimination of a “no lay-off” clause would they give an incentive for eligible letter carriers to retire? I do not know the answer to that question but if they truly wanted to reduce service that could be a possibility.

Such an action would be calamitous for the Union. About 30 % of our members would be leaving and the “new” carriers would be subject to “lay-offs” at the whim of the a “new” Postmaster General or even the President. Remember, on paper, the Postal Service has a looming debt of over $50 Billion because of the requirement to prefund Health Benefits costs 75 years into the future.

The US House of Representatives already has 301 members who want to eliminate pre-funding. That is Good! This number would also easily override a Presidential “veto.” The Senate has begun working on a similar bill but we would need 67 Senators to support it to make it “veto” proof.

As I began this article I spoke about making a change. This is what you need to change for 2020. Our membership needs to engage in the political activity as if our “jobs” depends on it, because it does. Voting is one key to preventing the destruction of the Postal Service. Donating money to support candidates is the other part of the equation. For too many years and for to long of a time to many letter carriers have not “stepped up to the plate” and provided our Union political financial support.

It would be simple if the monies could be taken from your Union dues but it cannot. Our membership needs to change their thought process and do it now.

This concerns both active and retired letter carriers. For the actives, your wages and benefits and job security will be lost if the wrong politicians are elected in 2020. For retirees, your current pensions and benefits will be attacked and or reduced if the Postal Service reduces their work force. Who do you think contributes to your pensions? Without “new” contributions (new workers) how will pensions be funded? The government already has massive deficits. How much more money can they borrow?

We are all in this together whether we like it or not. We all need to participate in the Letter Carrier Political Fund. So, when our National Union asks you to support it, they need to know they can count on you. Please make 2020 the year of change and donate to the Letter Carrier Political Fund. If you need assistance, please contact the Branch office 631-789-1616. Yours for the Union!

From my brief observations of the Caser/Streeter process and the talks that I have heard by some in management who ask for carrier feedback there should only be “silence.” This cry for now “help” leads me to believe that management “needs” the letter carrier to make this program work and they are hoping that you will show them how!

If asked by management, “what do you think we need to do to make this work?”

The only answer that I believe you should give is, “put the route(s) back to the way they were before you implemented caser/streeter program and sit down and negotiate with our Union!

Management should be aware of some final remarks that Paine wrote about the revolution, “Tyranny, like hell is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” In solidarity!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President




Working Off The Clock