
Recently I attended a training seminar given by the Long Island Federation of Labor on active shooter and a variety of other topics.  I would like to go over some of the topics with you.

Recent active shooter attacks at military bases in California and Florida are a stark reminder that deadly violence can break out at any workplace or public venue.  The decision to run, hide or fight is critical in the scant minutes during which most attacks play out.

A well-organized and well-communicated emergency plan with simple survival training can save lives in the minutes a typical attack lasts from start to finish. Know your exits – if an active shooter comes into a building do you know where the exits are?  Look around your surroundings and learn the exits.  This is especially important if you are in a building that you are not familiar with. Take the time to look around and know your surroundings know where you can exit, know where you can hide.

If you are at a hotel the first thing that you should do when you get into your room is look at the evacuation plan on the back of the door.  The second thing is to go into the hallway and learn where the stairways are located on your floor.  In case of an emergency do not use the elevator that is why it is important to know where the stairs are.   Have a flashlight handy in case the lights go out and you need to evacuate quickly.

Do you practice fire drills at home?  Do you have an evacuation plan at home?  If a fire starts in your home and the house are consumed with smoke do you have an escape plan for you and your family? This is very important for families that have young children or elderly parents living with them.  It is important that you meet at a safe location, if your home is on fire.  Example:  across the street at a neighbor’s home, so if a member of your family is not at that special location then you can notify authorizes when they arrive that someone is missing immediately.  On that same token we won’t want you to tell first responders that one of your family members is missing and send them into harm’s way only to find out they are at a friend’s house or at a different location.   That is why it is very important that you discuss with your family a location where you will all meet in the event you have to evacuate your home and get separated.

Fire extinguishers do you have them in your home especially in the kitchen area?  Do you and your family know where they are and know how to use them?  Pull the pin and spray with a sweeping motion back and forth.  If you have not looked at your fire extinguisher in a while check to see that it is fully charged there should be a gauge on it, if not replace it immediately.

Bomb Threats - if you see a suspicious package DO NOT TOUCH IT!  Do not use your cell phone or any other electrical device around the package as you might detonate it.  Go at least 60 feet or more away from the package before calling 911.  Try and keep a safe distance from the suspicious package and yourself and to warn others if they are going into the immediate area.


Evacuation decision if there is an active shooter: Grab your stuff and leave and meet at a secure location–and stay quiet.

Recognize the threat and report the crime –70% of active shooters are less than 5 minutes long.  When police arrive keep your hands and arms in sight so that you are not considered a suspect by the police. To survey an active shooter there are 3 things to remember:  RUN – HIDE – FIGHT.

RUN if you hear shooting in another location run to a secure location as fast as you can.  Do not stick your head out of doors, closets or hallways to see what is going on stay quiet and do not panic.

HIDE – if there is an active shooter in your immediate area and you can’t run, hide anywhere you think you would be safe.  If in an adjourning room secure the door with whatever is available –copy machine, desk, chairs, file cabinets etc. to make it harder for the shooter to get access to that room.

FIGHT – If you have no other alternative fight for your life.  Look around your surroundings and get whatever you can to fight.  I like to go back to the fire extinguisher and have that ready to use if a shooter is coming into your location.  Pull the pin and spray the SOB then clock him over the head with the extinguisher.  If no extinguishers are available use whatever you can to hit the person with, a chair, a draw from a file cabinet, a garbage can, whatever you can use to protect yourself.

if you are trying to help someone that was shot and bleeding and you need to stop the bleeding you can make a tourniquet out of your belt, shoe laces or from your clothing.  If the wound is on his/her chest apply pressure to the area till the paramedics arrive and assist you.

The most important thing is to recognize the threat, know your surroundings, and know your evacuation plan, and remember:  SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING! 

One more thing I would like to mention: stop looking at your cell phone and pay attention to your surroundings.  The bad guys are watching you not paying attention to them because you are preoccupied with your cell phone.  Know your surroundings, be aware, pay attention your life or the life of a loved one may depend on it!

We must all be vigilant and be safe everyday!

Tom Siesto

Executive Vice President


Insurance Benefits and OWCP


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