Newest Members of the Executive Board (2 of 2)

My name is Sean Killeen. I would like to begin by thanking the membership, and the Executive Board of Branch 6000, for nominating and electing me to serve on the Board. I am blessed to have so many great mentors who have taught me so much over my time in the Postal Service.

I started my career 15 plus years ago as a PTF carrier in the Islip Post Office. A short time later I was appointed to serve as the Alternate Steward, and quickly became the Shop Steward of my office and I continue to hold that role presently. I have held many roles in the Union along the way. I am currently a CCA Carrier Academy Instructor, an On the Job Instructor, and for the last three years have been an EEO Advocate for Branch 6000, which has allowed me to help many members in this Branch through very difficult situations. I have recently attended the NALC Formal A and Beyond training class and serve as the Islip Post Office Formal A Representative in the Grievance procedure. I have attended many state and National conventions, as well as many NALC Training classes, and Region 15 RAP sessions. I have taken the Branch 6000 leadership course and have given training sessions on Branch 6000 Shop Steward Training night. I attended the LI Federation leadership training class which I met and worked with many Brothers and Sisters from many different Unions across long Island. I have attended and graduated the NALC Dispute Resolution Process (Step B) class in Maryland at the USPS Training Facility.

I currently serve as a backup member on the Dispute Resolution Team. It’s always been an honor to serve and help the membership of our branch. I look forward to continuing to work to make our Union, stronger. Thank you again for the support and confidence in me.

Sean Killeen

Financial Secretary


Newest Members of the Executive Board (1 of 2)


Insurance Benefits and OWCP