A Storm is Brewing

There are severe threats circling the United States Postal Service in Washington. I have had the honor of representing the members of this Branch for almost 34 years; the past 22+ years as a fulltime officer. It seems that every year we are under attack from some elected official and the minions that work under them in Washington D.C.  Like all things we become numb to the issues because much of it is just white noise. The constant pounding of our senses desensitizes us to the real threats that are out there. Things start to slip by because of our indifference to those threats. That is exactly what our enemies want to happen. Those Congressmen and women along with the Senate are constantly playing games with the livelihoods of all Federal workers. They meet at night. Have votes behind closed doors that alter the balance of power. All of this has been going on for decades and the NALC has played excellent defense during those trying times.

Something feels different during this administration.  Personally I find nothing is real under this administration. They play a game of 3-card Monty with the lives and livelihoods of the American public. They lie so much that I wonder if they actually believe what they are saying. I have never heard a more dishonest human being than the one who sits at the head of the Nation. He tells so many stories he is hard to follow. One minute he is making a statement to the press or TV and the next moment he denies ever saying it. That is what we are dealing with in Washington each and every day. They fill the airways with so much bullshit you do not know what is real and unreal. Shame on us for being complicit in these attacks on our senses. It is clear that neither the Left nor the Right have our best interests at heart. That is where the storm is brewing.

Most of you do not pay any attention to the Postal Record or the NALC Bulletin, which should be posted on the NALC bulletin board each month. In this past Bulletin there are two issues that go hand in hand. They deal with a Senate committee hearing on the White House postal task force report and the White House release of the proposed 202 budget. This Postal task force agenda is being pushed by enemies (UPS/Fedex) of the USPS and the unions that represent you.

The new 2020 budget strikes right at the heart of the USPS and those that work for it. Here are just some of the general framework ideas that deal with the USPS and the entire workforce;

·       Slashes 84.5 billion from Medicare and 1.5 Trillion from Medicaid over the next 10 years.

·       Cuts $4.1 Billion from postal related items this year.

·       Cuts up to $98.2 billion over the next 10 years.

·       Raising your contribution to your pension.

·       Reducing pension benefits to new employees (high 5)

·       Slashing/ eliminating COLA’s

·       Eliminating the social security supplement that affords you the opportunity to retire at an early age.

·       Force you to pay higher health benefit premiums.

·       Eliminating the union’s right to bargain for wages and working conditions.

·       Eliminate the sanctity of the mailbox. Allow any company access to it.

·       Do away with universal service.


These are just part of the attacks on the USPS and your jobs. And if you are retired, don’t think you are left out. Your colas will be reduced or eliminated. Your health benefits are also on the table. Any other benefit you receive is also open to attack under this administration.

I know it is hard to stay in the game with so much being said but if you ignore the possibilities, it will become a reality. If you ignore the ongoing threat to your livelihood; shame on you. The threat is real and toxic to you and your family, active and retired alike.

I have said this numerous times over the last few years; keep engaged politically. Pay close attention to the NALC web site for updates and messages. Invest in your benefits and working conditions by giving a few dollars a pay to the Letter Carrier Political Fund. It will be the best investment you ever make. That fund is used solely to navigate the political minefields in Washington D.C. It is used to protect all the letter carriers wages, benefits and working conditions. Federal law prohibits the use of union dues to do that. Only through a PAC fund can we be involved monetarily. Phone calls are great. Going door to door during election time is great. Unfortunately, money talk and bullshit walks.                                             Invest in your future before you no longer have one.


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