Route Inspections

Many Letter Carriers throughout the Long Island District and Nationwide over the course of the last two years have gone through Route Inspection of Carrier Assignments. The Long Island District and the Triboro District alike will be finishing up the Winter and Spring Route Inspection from 2019 shortly.  Both districts will be resuming Route Inspections for this coming September thru November 2019.  If your office has not been inspected in the last two years there is ever chance that they will this coming fall.  The Route Inspection Teams as they are known are supposed to adjust routes in accordance with Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services.  In addition, it should be stressed that in almost all situations where the Postal Service in the Long Island District and Triboro District have conducted Route Inspections, delivery time and assignments are being lost in Post Offices across the districts. Some of the lost delivery and or assignments are being lost due to the drop of letter and flat volume. However, it seems as if the increase in Parcels, Scanning, Third Bundles since the last time most offices went through a inspection are offsetting some of the Lost of letter and flat mail volume. 


Fortunately, there are some tools, reminders and advice that letter carriers can use and start looking at prior to their office and assignments being evaluated. Below is a “sampling” of things that letter carriers can do and should follow to help insure proper Route Adjustments.       

1)     ATTEND THE BRANCH’S ROUTE INSPECTION TRAINING PRIOR TO YOUR OFFICE BEING INSPECTED.  The Branch conducts several Route Inspections class that are available to all letter carriers getting adjustments in their post offices, so that they may protect their assignments and help insure a fair evaluation of assignments. The Inspection Training provided thoroughly goes over the necessary paperwork that must be filled out by carriers during the week of inspections.  The Inspection Training also provides handouts and advice and reminders on what is expected of the Letter Carrier during the week of Route Count and Inspection, How the process is supposed to work when evaluating assignments, including information to help ensure the letter carrier receives a proper consultation of their routes and or adjustments proposed or made by management. The training also discusses the role and behavior of the Route Examiners, so each letter carrier will know if an examiner is acting outside what he or she is supposed to be doing as they observe you. The importance of attending a Route Inspection Training prior to your office being inspected cannot be understated.  The Shop Steward and Full Time Officer will have the information on Route Inspection training available for letter carriers prior to your offices Route Count and Inspection.

2)     ALWAYS TAKE YOUR LUNCH BREAKS AND STREET BREAKS.    This includes prior to and after the weeks of route count and inspection.  Sounds like a no brainier but on too many occasions during the consultations carriers will mention that they did not always do this.  This could adversely affect the time of an envaulted assignment.  This is especially true because on many occasions management will evaluate a carrier’s street time using a computation of an 8 week analysis of the Regular Letter Carrier that is assigned to a route.  If the breaks are not taken or fully taken by a letter carrier the time will not be averaged in. All Carriers are responsibly to ensure they take their breaks. If one is told otherwise by a Supervisor or Manager see your Shop Steward immediately.

3)     START ENSURING THAT YOU MANAGE YOUR OFFICE TIME.  This ensures but not limited to doing a vehicle inspection if your route has a vehicle, taking any office breaks you may be entitled to, going to wash up for what every time you may be entitled too, NOT WORKING OFF THE CLOCK. Etc.  Once again this should be a no brainier. By doing these functions and others that you will be reminded about or learning about at the Route Inspection Training they will become second nature to you and help insure that your office time is credited properly during the Week of Route Count and Inspection.

4)     WHEN AND IF PIVIOTING OR DOING WORK ON ANOTHER ASSIGNMENT IDENITFY TO THOSE ASSIGNMENTS BY SWIPPING YOUR BADGE AND MOVING TO THOSE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE TIME SPENT ON THEM.  This of course insures the integrity of any historically data that may be used in the Evaluation process of the Rote Inspection is accurate.  Do not leave it up to your supervisor to make these swipes for you. They do not always enter accurate information.  

The list above is just a small “sampling” of things that letter carriers can do to help insure that each letter carrier’s assignment is done so that each assignment is adjusted to as near to 8 hours as possible. Remember, The Postal Service is not interested in helping you, and is not interested in getting the route adjusted in a manner that ensures integrity. In most cases they are relying on the Letter Carriers unfamiliarity as to how the process works and to push carriers by having them give more than a “Fair’s Day Work”.

Lastly I would like to mention that the NALC’s web site. NALC.ORG has published a Route Inspection guide that is an excellent publication for those letter carriers that wish read up on the process of Route Inspections.  This writer would highly recommend that all letter carriers view this publication.                                      

Tom Kelly

Retired Branch 6000 Officer




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