Will a New Administration in Washington, D.C. Make a Difference?

I believe the answer to the above question is a resounding YES!

Under a Biden administration, I believe that there will be less talk and more action. I also believe that a “new” President(Biden) has the opportunity to unite us as one country for All Americans.

We are a “melting pot” of all races, all religions, all colors and all creeds. The most important thing, however, that I believe we all have in common is the desire to be “free” and the desire to have opportunities to be whoever we desire to be, as long as we act in keeping with our laws. Laws are the foundation of a democracy and they prevent chaos.

No one group or segment of our society should dominate the others.

That is what elections are about, if your candidate wins, you feel vindicated that your ideas and beliefs will be represented by those individuals. If your candidate loses, however, you can be disappointed but you should also accept the fact that our democratic system is a continuing work in progress and that today’s “losers” can be tomorrow’s winners.

When we first established our Republic only men of a certain age and status had the privilege to vote. In time it evolved but it took a Civil War to free those who had been enslaved.

At the turn of the 20th century still half of our populace(women) were not able to vote or hold political office. In 1920 that changed because of amendments to our Constitution. Now 100 years into the future, we have elected a female Vice President(Kamala Harris) and a woman of color who will take office in January 2021.

History has shown that those who were previously defeated made “comebacks.” Former President Richard Nixon is a perfect example of a political comeback. In 1960, he was narrowly defeated by then Senator John Kennedy. The historians and political pundits claimed that his political life was over. 8 years later(1968), he came back to be elected President and then re-elected for a second term. Unfortunately, the Watergate break-in ended his Presidency.

Several articles are speculating that President Trump who was defeated in November may also try a comeback in 2024. Anything is possible. President Trump, however, in my opinion should follow the lead of many former Presidents who lost an election and work for a smooth transition of power. That would be in the “best” interest of all Americans.

If President Trump chooses to challenge the election results, he has that right. Unfortunately for him, almost every current challenge has been dismissed by the courts and even some of the legal representatives he hired have withdrawn their support. It is time to move forward and do what is right for the American people.

2020 is drawing to and end and I believe most of us would like to begin 2021 with less controversy and more unity. I believe President Trump could be the “bridge” that starts the New Year off with a positive message and less divisive talk. I hope that he decides to choose the “high” road and do what is best for our country and its citizens.

Letter carriers are and have been on the front line since before Marchof 2020 and the onset of COVID-19. The American people have seen the way that you have behaved and conducted yourself during these difficult times. They “trust” you and have their confidence that you have delivered for them not just during the election but before. Voting by mail is not a “new” thing in our Country. It did, however, take on a greater importance because of the need for the voters safety and health. God Bless All of the Letter Carriers and May God keep you and your Families Healthy and Safe for the Christmas Holiday Season and the beginning of a New Year of Hope and Prosperity!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


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