A Job Well Done

Well, the election is over and contrary to what many people thought, the sun still shines. There is a cloud hanging over the election based on numerous charges of improper handling of the election by the Trump administration. To date there has been no proof of any consequential violations of the election laws. I say let it play out. This is a Democracy and people have the right to ensure there was no threat to our voting. Because of President Trump’s ongoing tirade against the USPS and the Mail-in votes, along with other unfounded charges of impropriety. The only logical solution is to make sure the votes are counted properly. Let the public be assured that everything was on the up and up. To do otherwise would only facilitate the angst and distrust of our great system. I am sure that minor mistakes will be found as they are in every election. I do not believe that over 5 million votes will be found as they sort through the ballots cast. I also do not believe that any massive fraud will be discovered. As we let it play out, we should sit back and enjoy the show. Every stupid, half assed tweet and charge made by President Trump and his minions becomes more comical and shows what a shallow and inept administration we currently have. The comments and charges being thrown about border on the absurd. As they say, the proof is in the pudding and yet all they are throwing is mud without any basis of fact. They are embarrassing this Country and themselves by their comments and conduct. The time for our nation to heal is upon us.


This election has brought the USPS into the very bright limelight. We have been on the front page and at the forefront of almost every major newspaper and news reporting agency in the country. We have been roasted, toasted, and kicked around for Months. Even under that glaring spotlight and the repeated attempts of the Trump Administration along with the PMG to undercut the service, we have stood tall and proud. I congratulate each Letter Carrier and craft employee for the stupendous jobs they have done. We have shown that we can uphold our oath to serve this great Country. We have proven that we can uphold the rule of Democracy in our society. We have shown the rest of the world how a Democracy works. A job well done!


From my family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season. No matter what your faith or what you celebrate, may it be a Joyous season. Let us pray for a much better new year where we never have to hear about Covid-19 or lockdowns. May you all remain healthy. God Bless.


Will a New Administration in Washington, D.C. Make a Difference?


Casing & Delivering of Mail