Shop Stewards Elections
Electing a Shop Steward is an important decision. It is one that should not be made in haste.
Electing a Shop Steward should also not be a popularity contest. It is not about being a friend, or that person being friendly to you. It is about who you feel is the right person for the job and who will properly represent the members. In these times of job insecurities, it is certainly about who you feel will be able to withstand the pressures of the day and give the time needed to do the job.
Being a Shop Steward is not about the “what’s in it for me” mentality. When you are a Shop Steward, it is about everyone, and what you can do for them. Remember, a Shop Steward is the connection between the employee and management. They are the first line of defense for you, the member. The shop stewards in each office are the backbone of our Union. The Steward should know the contract, as well as uphold the contract. Most importantly, they must have good communication skills.
A Shop Steward must also be diplomatic, able to settle disputes, and be level headed; no matter how bad a day they may be having. There are also times the Steward has to settle disagreements between the members. Stewards may be expected to take on the role of a counselor, a good listener, a referee, as well as a negotiator. A Shop Steward can strengthen the Union through his/her interaction with the membership. A good Shop Steward leads by example.
A Shop Steward should always conduct his or herself in a professional manner. Remember, the Steward is a reflection of the NALC Branch. A Steward sets the tone for the Carriers in the office. Whether it’s their conduct on the workroom floor, their appearance, getting to work on time or attendance; all of these things are important when it comes to setting examples.
Shop Stewards should never work off the clock or allow a Carrier in the office to work off the clock. A Steward should make sure the Carriers take a break in the office if the LMOU provides for one. The Shop Steward should also make sure that management adheres to the guidelines of the contract.
As a Shop Steward, all issues discussed with management pertaining to another Carrier should be kept confidential. No information regarding another Carrier should be discussed with anyone, especially another Carrier. As a Shop Steward, grievances should be filed for everyone, not just the Carriers that are liked. Impartiality is important. Personal feelings should be put aside, and everyone treated the same.
Stewards are elected by the members in the office to represent the members in the office. If a member does or says something that is inappropriate, tell the member, not the workroom floor or management. Shop Stewards are not figure heads, and their loyalty is to the members, not to management.
In accordance with the NALC Constitution; Article 5, Section 2 in part; a member who voluntarily or otherwise, holds, accepts, or applies (form 1723) for a supervisory position or other Postal Career Service for any period of time, whether one (1) day or fraction thereof, either detailed, acting, probationary, or permanently, shall be ineligible to run for any office or other position for a period of two (2) years after termination of such supervisory status.
In addition, Article 10, Section 5 states; any member thirty (30) days in arrears in payment of Branch dues, fines, and/or assessments shall forfeit his/her membership in the Branch and shall be listed as “not a member in good standing”. Therefore, to be eligible, a member must not be “arrears” in dues or owe the Branch dues.
The following are the procedures to be followed for Shop Steward Election. As per Article VI, Section 5, or the Branch By-Laws, this is to advise that:
During the month of October of triennial years, an election of Shop Steward shall be held in each station or unit. The President or their designee shall appoint a nominating committee of three (3) members in good standing in each station or unit. The Committee shall organize and receive nominations during the second week of October and no later than the 15th of the month; they shall post the names of all nominees (in alphabetical order) for a period of seven (7) days, after which the vote shall be taken by secret ballot.
The nominating committee shall supervise the election, receive nominations for each office, count all ballots, and declare the nominees receiving the majority of votes cast the Chief Steward, Steward, and Alternates, and then notify the Branch Secretary at headquarters. Those sections of the Constitution for Government of Subordinate and Federal Branches shall apply where applicable and relevant to be eligible to vote or to be a nominee for a shop steward position. In addition, to be eligible to vote or to be a nominee for shop steward position(s) a member must be in “good standing” at least 60 days prior to October 1st.
It should also be noted that in accordance with the Branch By-Laws Article VI, Section 3, where there are three (3) or more units in a single station, the Stewards at such stations should elect from their number a Lead Chief Steward.
This is your Union! We encourage each and every member to participate by voting, seeking a Steward’s position, or getting involved in these elections.