Congress, Legislation, and Collective Bargaining

As the saying goes, “what Congress does, they can also undo!” If you do not understand the significance of that statement what it means is that even though the law may currently say something, the Congress can change its mind and change the law. It can make it better or it can make it worse!

Letter Carriers are affected by both the Congress and by our Employer, the United States Postal Service. Since 2013, the National Association of Letter Carriers has had an opportunity to negotiate two (2) National Agreements. In 2013, that agreement was finalized with and arbitration decision. In 2017, a new agreement was negotiated but it required an extension of 15 months of talks (that agreement expired in May of 2016 and was ratified by the membership in August of 2017 with the exception of certain anomalies relating to CCA back-pay), the majority of letter carriers have been retroactively compensated.

In November of 2018, 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be up for election and either 33 or 34 Senate seats. What is at stake in this election in the, opinion of this writer, is the survival of the Postal Service. The White House Administration’ proposed 2019 Budget is planning a full scale assault on both active and retired letter carriers. I believe one of the reasons for this assault is the recent “tax cut” changes. It is estimated that these changes will eliminate 1 ½ to 2 Trillion dollars in government revenue. Advocates of these proposals argue that a “booming” economy will offset these tax cuts. If, however, the economy does not “boom” revenue will have to come from someone else.

Some in the private sector normally argue that it should be at the expense of federal and postal workers. They say: Our pay is to high and our benefits to generous!

One favorite target is to eliminate or reduce future and current retiree benefits. The White House 2019 Budget would require FERS employees to increase their contribution up to $3600 more over a 6 year period. This could effectively wipe-out all of your current and future pay raises. You will receive the pay but it won’t be taken home because your costs will increase.

Another change would be how your future annuity would be calculated. Presently, it is your “high 3 average years”. The White House wants it to be “your High 5 years.” This means your monthly annuity will be less over the 20, 30 or 40 years or more that you or your survivor could be collecting.

The White House also wants to eliminate the supplement that you receive if you are FERS and will retire before age 62. If this occurs and you retire at age 57 or before 62 you receive nothing during those pre- age 62 years. What that means, you will have to find other work(another job) or you will start “tapping” your thrift saving plan. I have heard that a number of carriers say they have several hundred thousands of dollars in these accounts. In five years, those accounts could be substantially depleted by as much as $150,000(this is if you withdraw $30,000 a year from age 57 to 62 because of no supplement.) This could be further compounded if the stock market takes a “dive.”

Probably the most vicious attack on retirees will be the White House’s proposal to ELIMINATE ALL FUTURE COLAs for FERS retirees and REDUCE CSRS retiree COLAs by 0.5 each year until they are ELIMINATED completely.

The above proposals could all be dire consequences for active and retired letter carriers and their Families if they were adopted. Presently, they are proposals but if these events are not challenged they will become your reality.

All Letter Carriers and their Families have a responsibility and an obligation to oppose these proposed changes. WE need to all become registered and to vote against those politicians who would harm us! WE all need to write, e-mail, telephone and mail our local politicians about issue which will affect our pensions, our health and life insurance benefits and collective bargaining.

Lastly, we need to support those politicians financially and with our votes when they are seeking re-election.

Registering to vote and voting are easy. Contacting your representatives may take a little more of your time but with technology the way it is, it can be a ”click” away. Supporting those individuals financially and that is a requirement for them if they want to elected or re-elected requires a commitment by you to voluntarily donate money for support. This can be for TV commercials, e-mails and direct mailing to voters homes. All letter carriers need to donate to the Letter Carrier Political Fund. If you want more information on this, please call the Branch office or go to the website: Your Silence is Your Consent!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President




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