Advanced Sick Leave

If a Letter Carrier develops a serious health condition, one could go through their earned leave quickly even when leave balances are high.  Unfortunately some illnesses or injuries are so debilitating that recovery could take many months before a letter carrier could return to work. The Postal Service does not have any form of disability insurance that could substitute a letter carrier’s salary should a letter carrier run out of leave. When a carrier’s leave runs out, and the carrier still cannot return to work the lack of any income being received undoubtedly cause great financial hardship.       

Fortunately the Employee Labor Manual (ELM) provides for employees to request advancement of Sick Leave.  The following language from the ELM sets the USPS policy on Advance Sick Leave.    

513.511 May Not Exceed Thirty Days


Sick leave not to exceed 30 days (240 hours) may be advanced in cases of an employee’s serious disability or illness if there is reason to believe the employee will return to duty. Sick leave may be advanced whether or not the employee has an annual leave or donated leave balance.


513.512 Medical Document Required


Every request for advanced sick leave must be supported by medical documentation of the illness.


513.52 Administration


513.521 Installation Heads’ Approval


Officials in charge of installations are authorized to approve these advances without reference to higher authority.


513.522 Forms Forwarded


PS Form 1221, Advanced Sick Leave Authorization, is completed and forwarded to the Eagan ASC when advanced sick leave is authorized.


513.53 Additional Sick Leave


513.531 Thirty-Day Maximum


Additional sick leave may be advanced even though liquidation of a previous advance has not been completed provided the advance at no time exceeds 30 days. Any advanced sick leave authorized is in addition to the sick leave that has been earned by the employee at the time the advance is authorized.


Although the ELM provides provisions for Advance Sick Leave, it is not automatic. A letter carrier out of work due to a serious health condition must still request advance sick leave and the policy does not mandate the granting of advance sick leave to you from the Postal Service.  However the language from the ELM provides that advance sick leave may be advanced in cases of an employee’s serious disability or illness if there is reason to believe the employee will return to duty. Fortunately in most cases where advance sick leave is requested there is a reasonable belief that an employee who is in need of Advance Sick Leave will return to duty and work long enough to repay the advance sick leave. If the Postal Service denies a request for Advance Sick Leave a Carrier should immediately be in touch with their Shop Steward so the facts of the denial could be investigated and grieved if necessary.

Tom Kelly

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


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