What To Do When Injured at Work

     This article will deal with what a Letter Carrier must do when he/she becomes injured at work.  I am listing the instructions below which are based on Form CA-10 that is published by the Office of Workers Compensation Program (OWCP). This program is supposed to be posted on the Employees Bulletin Board in every federal work facility including the Postal Service.  If the CA-10 is not posted on the bulletin board in your office please inform your Shop Steward so he/she can inform management that they must be in compliance with the requirement. 

     The first thing you must do is to report the injury to your Supervisor immediately. An injury also includes any illness or disease that is caused or aggravated by your employment as well as damage to medical braces, artificial limbs and or any other prosthetic devices.

     Prior to obtaining medical treatment ask your Supervisor for a CA-16 which authorizes examination and or treatment by your physician.  You may initially select the physician. This may be a private physician or, if available, a local Federal medical officer/ hospital. Emergency Medical treatment may be obtained without prior authorization.  Take the form along with form OWCP-1500/HCFA-1500 to the provider you have selected. The OWCP form 1500/ HCFA 1500 is the form doctors must use to submit their bills to OWCP. Hospitals and Pharmacies may use their own billing forms.  On Occupational diseases claim form CA-16 may not be issued without prior approval by OWCP. 

     For traumatic injuries complete the employee’s portion of the form CA-1. Request it from your Supervisor/ Manager, complete it and hand it back to your Manager, as written notice as soon as possible. Please note this must be performed no later than 30 days following the injury. This informs both your Supervisor and OWCP that a traumatic injury has been sustained (or it is alleged to have been sustained). The employee or the representative fills out items 1-15 and the Supervisor fills out items 23-26. I recommend you make a copy of this document as a record for you to review. This may be needed when filling out future forms regarding this injury. For occupational disease, however, use form CA-2 instead of CA-1.  You should carefully read the “Benefits …” and “Instructions …” pages which are attached to both the CA-1 and CA-2.  The instructions provide detailed information that an injured employee will benefit from when processing either form.  As I stated above always obtain a receipt from your Supervisor once the form is completed.  If the Supervisor refuses to provide you with the receipt of your copy inform your Shop Steward so a grievance can be filed. If the Supervisor refuses to provide the above forms upon your request also contact the Steward for a grievance to be filed. 

     If a Letter Carrier is disabled due to the traumatic injury you may claim Continuation of Pay (COP) for up to 45 calendar days or use leave.  As a point of information an injured carrier who suffers from an occupational disease or injury is not entitled to COP. A claim for COP must be submitted no later than 30 days following the injury (the CA-1 is designed to serve as a claim for continuation of pay). If you are disabled and claiming COP submit to management, within 10 workdays, medical evidence that you sustained a disabling traumatic injury.  If you are disabled beyond the COP period, or if you are not entitled to COP, you may claim compensation on form CA-7 or use your own leave.  If disabled due to occupational disease, you may claim compensation on form CA-7 or use your own leave.  You should submit a claim for compensation as soon as possible after it is apparent that you are disabled and will enter into a Leave without Pay (LWOP) Status.

     Unfortunately based on a study performed in 2015 the USPS has the highest rate of injuries among Federal employees. In that study over 12,000 City Letter Carriers reported injuries and over 6,000 resulted in lost time from work.  By reviewing the information listed above and periodically referring back to it, or the CA-10 posted in your office, you will be prepared if you should become injured at work.

Charlie Smith

1st Vice President


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