What Will Come to Light

There’s an old saying, “What you do in the dark will come to light”. That saying can mean exactly how you think, or other things.  First and foremost; if everything is ok and you’re doing right, you have nothing to fear.  This is not for you. On the other hand, if your business is not together, you need to take a step back and check yourself.


If you are doing something that can eventually cost you your family, your job, your assets, or even your freedom; you need to stop and think about what you are doing; whose lives are you also destroying with your actions.


Most recently, there have been several incidents pertaining to postal letter carriers that just make me sick.  What were they thinking, and who were they thinking about?


Obviously, they weren’t thinking about their jobs, their families, or the consequences of their actions.  What they were doing in the dark, they didn’t think it was going to come to the light.  They didn’t think they would ever get caught, or called out!  And all for what, greed and stupidity!


Whether it’s stealing gift cards; stealing identities; indulging in prostitution, use or sale of illegal drugs; the embarrassment caused to one’s self, your family and the spotlight put on everyone involved (including the job) is unspeakable.  Like I said, whatever you are doing step back, and check yourself. 


We all have a moral obligation to conduct ourselves with dignity and respect.  We should all treat each other with dignity and respect as human beings in our everyday lives as well as on the job.  If you have a problem that you can’t control; take it somewhere else or get help while there is still time.


When all of us became a postal worker, we agreed to some of the following specifications in the Employees Relations Manual:

In the Employees Relations Manual (ELM) under Article 665.16

Employees are expected to conduct themselves during and outside of working hours in a manner that reflects favorably upon the Postal Service. Although it is not the policy of the Postal Service to interfere with the private lives of employees, it does require that postal employees be honest, reliable, trustworthy, courteous, and of good character and reputation.  The Federal Standards of Ethical Conduct referenced in 662.1 also contain regulations governing the off-duty behavior of postal employees. Employees must not engage in criminal, dishonest, notoriously disgraceful, immoral, or other conduct prejudicial to the Postal Service.


ELM 665.25 talks about Illegal Drug Sale, Use, or Possession

The Postal Service will not tolerate the sale, possession, or use of illegal drugs, or the abuse while on duty or on postal premises. Employees found to be engaged in these activities are subject to discipline, including removal and/or criminal prosecution where appropriate.


            ELM 665.11 Loyalty

Employees are expected to be loyal to the United States government and uphold the policies and regulations of the Postal Service.


If you think stealing, being undercover, or just living double lives is going to get you over, you are wrong.  Check yourself, or you will lose everything you have including your dignity and your job!  Remember having a paying job is a privilege; not an entitlement, and you want to keep it.

Carol Brown

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


What To Do When Injured at Work


Allow Me to Introduce Myself