Rest in Peace My Friend

This is a difficult article for me to write.

My good friend and mentor has passed away. Past President Dominic Prestano recently passed after a 33-month battle with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Dominc fought his demon as long as he could and with the dignity that he also had.

I met Don in 1985. He was an officer for Branch 6000. He was previously the president of the Amityville local. He merged with the fledging Branch 6000 in the late 70’s. I was elected Shop Steward in West Babylon in 1985. I started attending the monthly meetings at that time. I met Dom during this period. I was always impressed with his demeanor and how professional he carried himself. During my early union ties, John Pedota was my full-time union representative. John became ill and passed away at an early age in 1991. Dom, who covered John during his late-stage illness, was given the Babylon offices as our full time Representative. I was excited because Dom and I always seemed to be on the same page. Dom worked with me to make me a better union representative. Dominic’s passion to represent his members was always on full display. As a mentor I do not believe I could have done any better.

Dominic was elected president of Branch 6000 in 1996. Prior to the election in 1996, Dominic and Walter Barton asked both me and Nick D’Avanzo join them on the board full-time. It was an honor and a privilege that I still feel to this day. I marvel at Dom’s coolness under pressure and his devotion to both the branch and the membership. The thing that impressed me the most was his love of family. That is where Dom and I have a bond. I am all about my family and always have been. Dom was one of the few people who matched my passion for family. The Branch prospered under Dominic’s leadership. The team he put together was an excellent one and we were successful in most of our endeavors. Dom was extremely focused when it came to work and representing his members. I enjoyed my time with Dom as President. He was easy to speak to and even better at giving advice when asked for it. He was like a security blanket for most of the officers.

In 2005 Dominic retired. He moved to Florida with his beautiful wife Pattie. I spoke to him on occasion and made the effort to see him when he visited. In approximately September 2020 Dom went to the doctor for a pain in his back. After some testing was done, he was informed that he had Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. After the diagnosis he came back up to the island for a 2nd opinion where it was confirmed. Dom was initially told he had 6 months to 18 months to live. He then moved back up to the island where he went to his treatments. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to go to lunch with Dom on numerous occasions after he returned. The old gang would meet up and regal in our early days. Former officers, Dave Diamond, Larry Carter and Rick Hubert, Nick D’Avanzo, along with Tom Siesto and myself would meet for lunch. These were very special days for all of us. The opportunity to sit with Dom and the gang again was like sitting in your old comfortable chair. We never missed a step like the old times. Unfortunately, all we have are those memories now, but what great memories they are.

Dominic passed on May 25, 2023, at the young age of 73. I was blessed to sit with Dominic and his family when he was in hospice. I was also graced to be there when he received his last rights. It is a special moment I will carry forever. Dom passed away the next evening.  He fought the battle for quite some time and was able to enjoy his family and watch them grow for almost 3 more years. I know he will be missed, but he left us with his passion, understanding and compassion for others. God Bless you Dominic A. Prestano. You have earned your wings and are at peace. I will forever be in your debt.


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