Prospective and Priorities

Greetings and thank you for taking the time to read this.  As the OWCP representative for Branch 6000, I am often exposed to our members health issues as they relate to their medical restrictions.  It can be difficult at times trying to help the member navigate their Compensation case.  Their pain and anxiety about their injury and medical restrictions, their relationship and communication with their Physician, any harassment from Management as well as their communication with the Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Workman’s Compensation (OWCP).


The point I would like to make in this article is where our prospective and priorities should be.  Recently I have had a health scare that forced me to take a few days to catch my breath in a manner of speaking.  Nothing like being confined to a hospital bed with more hose and wires in you than Keanu Reeves in the Matrix, to give you prospective on what is important.


The first important decision that comes up in an On-The-Job injury is whether to report the injury or not.  The first thing that you all must understand is that the Union cannot be a party to not reporting an injury. This idea that your Union Advocate, especially the OWCP representative, will help you to negotiate an under-the-table Limited Duty assignment to save the injured party and Management the hassle of completing the OWCP “paper work” OR to protect the inured party from the threat of disciplinary consequence is complete nonsense.  Failing to report a traumatic injury is very dangerous and can lead to the Member to be saddled with carrying Mail with a painful, permanent injury with only expensive surgery as an option for relief.  Not only is this the most irresponsible way to deal with a possible traumatic injury, it is also a direct violation off the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) on USPS Accident/Injury Reporting Polices. ELM Section 814.2 that states:


“Reporting to their supervisors immediately any accident or injury in which they are involved, regardless of the extent of injury or damage.”


Handbook EL-814 Section II: Occupational Injury or Illness Postal Employee’s Guide to Safety states:


“Reporting Injuries or Illness:  If you are injured or become ill from work-related causes, you must report immediately to your supervisor, even if the problem seems minor.”


So, any Employee that fails to report the accident, including Management, is violating the above provisions.  The best practice to protect your health and well being is to report the accident. No possible consequences are greater than the one to your health for failing to treat a traumatic injury!!  My best advice is to be proactive and prepared by becoming familiar with the tools available to deal with On-The-Job injury.  


First and foremost, if you have not already; create an eComp account! Go to eComp.DOL.GOV. On the right side of the screen near “Need an Account?” click on Resister.  Fill out all fields including your SS# (If you don’t’ have a SS# check box).  Provide your email address.  Create a password, follow prompts and click “Create Account”.  Ecomp will send you a confirmation email, click the link, return to eComp.DOL.GOV and sign into your account.


TO FILE a CA-1:  To file an electronic claim click the “New Claim” icon on the top right side of the screen.  Block 12 the drop-down menu, it is USPS Carrier (City).  Click the File CA-1 COVID-19 button on the bottom of the screen.  Complete all the fields of the CA-1.  When filing the Carrier will need to know their Grade Level and Step. If you do not know already, look on your deductions PAID HOURS.  The Carrier will need to know the address of their Post Office and their Supervisor's email address. On the appropriate line, just fill in the supervisor’s first name, the word supervisor, and For instance, if Joseph Morelli was a supervisor’s name, the claimant could write  You must indicate when the injury occurred, both the date and time. Block 13 asks for the Cause of injury. (Describe what happened and why).  Witness- it is Optional.  Upload a document click the “choose a file-button” and attach similarly as if you were emailing a file.


Once you set up your eComp account; explore the website and educate yourself on how to use it.  It contains all you need to know about completing all the associated reports, including tutorial videos that instruct and educate injured workers.


When an Injury does occur, it is important to stay calm and follow the proper steps:


Immediately report Injury to Supervisor, ask yourself “Was the Injury caused by a specific event;” If yes complete CA-1, note date of Injury and date reported to Management. Request the following forms:


CA-1 (Report of Injury must be supplied immediately), A CA-16 signed by management (Authorization for Treatment must be supplied within 4 hours), CA-17 (Duty Status Report must be supplied immediately w/ left side completed)


Fill out CA-1 yourself using eComp (if immediate medical attention is not needed).  Request COP or Sick Leave (if COP is requested the first 3 days must be sick, annual or leave without pay) IF YOU REQUEST & DONT GET PAID COP CONTACT YOUR STEWARD - FILE A GRIEVANCE!  Sign & and give completed CA-1 to Supervisor and get receipt on page 4 of CA-1


Seek Medical Attention; Bring CA-16 & CA-17 with you to your medical appointment.  If you are seen by a PA (physician's assistant or CNP (Nurse Practitioner) all medical reports must be countersigned by MD, Have your medical provider complete right side of CA-17.  Initial Medical Report must be provided within 10 days.  Follow the restrictions of your doctor.


Dealing with OWCP; Receive Claim number from OWCP within 21 days (if not contact the Branch or Regional Office).  OWCP Request's for more information - You have 30 days to submit the information requested.


Acceptance letter - When your case is accepted, the letter will identify those conditions that are accepted along with proper coding (payment for other conditions may be denied)


Denial Letter - Contact the Branch or Regional Office to discuss your appeal rights as some options have different time limits.


Brothers and Sisters, nothing is worth compromising when it comes to your health. Your priority is you!!

Joseph Morelli

Recording Secretary


Rest in Peace My Friend


Standing Together