Anything? I am asked this question whenever I visit the Great Neck Post Office by a senior letter carrier (Mitch!). Great Neck in part, is under the National Consolidated Casing Test.

I would like to “thank” the Great Neck carriers involved in this “test” for their hard work and conscientious work during these hard times! I know that this “test” has been very stressful for them and their Families.

Now, getting back to Mitch. Every time I visit Great Neck, Mitch asks me, Anything? He is always polite and has a smile on his face. Mitch wants to know, “anything” on the consolidated casing arbitration hearing? Anything on the “new” contract? Unfortunately, I can only give him the same answer, “NOTHING!”

I finish by telling him, “you know as much as I do.” On occasion, this makes me feel like an incompetent. Why is the NALC keeping us in the “dark” about both arbitration issues? Mitch and I both think it would be easier to get the recipe for how Colonel Sanders makes Kentucky Fried Chicken than an answer from the NALC.

I was originally told the consolidated casing case would be at arbitration in November 2019. Then in March 2020, at a Regional seminar it was “final” briefs were being submitted. We are half-way through April and still no decision. Why?

I have spoken to NALC region 15’s office and repeat Mitch’s words “Anything?” I am told “you know as much as I do.” I don’t know “Anything” about the consolidated casing arbitration decision.

This is frustrating for both me, Mitch and the Great Neck letter carriers. What I do know, however, is that the Great Neck letter carriers continue to provide the best service that they can to their customers and they do it professionally.

Why are we being kept in the “dark” by the NALC? Why can’t Mitch and I get a straight answer? The carriers in Great Neck and those in Patchogue (this is another test site in Branch 6000) have a right to know! These carriers are on the front line and want to know when this issue is going to be “finally” addressed !

The consolidated casing arbitration began on November 22, 2019 before Arbitrator Shyam Das. He has the authority to rule in favor of the NALC and order the USPS to end this “test” and if he agrees with the NALC to end “consolidated casing.”

Mitch, as concerns the negotiation of a “new” contract, all I can tell you is that both NALC and USPS have finally agreed to a neutral arbitrator to hear the issue. His name is Dennis Nolan. He has previously been involved in 50 different postal issues.

The corona virus “pandemic,” however, has taken the country and the world from their normal routines. Unfortunately, I do not think we will know “Any Thing” about either the “consolidated casing arbitration” or a “new” contract for the foreseeable future.

Again, I would like to “thank” the Great Neck carriers and All Branch 6000

Letter Carriers for being professional and keeping a positive outlook. I also appreciate the respect you have shown me during my office visits. I appreciate all of your efforts and hard work. You are not just members to me, you are my Friends! Stay Safe and Strong Everyone!

Tom Siesto

Executive Vice President


Thank You


Coronavirus Thoughts