We have all had to come to grips with adjusting our lives because of the COVID 19 pandemic. Some of us became “sick,” some of us succumbed to the disease. Most of us have been inoculated in the hopes that we will not become ill. Many of us are still wearing “masks.”
It would be premature to say that the pandemic will be over soon. Specialists are claiming that it will be around at least until early 2022 (but no promises). If true, that could be another 6 or 8 months. That is a long time.
COVID-19 has “mutated” and I guess it is possible it could “mutate” again (I hope not!). The reality of these times is that we continue to carry on. We continue to try to protect our Families and ourselves. Children under 12 still do not have a “safe” vaccine so they are vulnerable. That is why it is so important that those of us (the Adults) who can be vaccinated “get the vaccination.”
During these past 18 months our Union has negotiated a contract just prior to completing an arbitration hearing. I believe that is a “first” for the NALC since it began negotiating in 1971. As of August 19, 2021, all letter carriers with a “few” exceptions should have received their retroactive pay adjustments. This should have included all wages including overtime that was worked.
As of the writing of this article, a few letter carriers have complained that they think they have been shorted on the adjustments. I will be “pleasantly” surprised if it is only a few who complain.
Currently, it is difficult to determine what adjustments are due each carrier because of the overtime hours. I have only seen one “pay” stub and that carrier only had adjustments for 10 periods going back from PP-8-21 to pp-25-20.
During this period there was no overtime worked. The carrier is also at “top” pay(Step O). And he is also Grade 2 not 1. That will make a difference!
The adjustments from pay period 25-20 thru 6-21 all show a pay adjustment of $70.04. The adjustment for pay period 7 and 8 -21 were $86.38. this is before taxes. Since I do not know what “adjustments” are being paid before PP-25-20, I cannot truly determine what the total adjustment should be (Please also remember that this is for Grade 2 so a Grade 1 carrier should be less per pay period).
Some letter carriers who I have spoken to are very confused about the process. All letter carriers should be asking “how did management arrive at these adjustment figures.” It will be the only way you can feel certain that you received what you were entitled too.
Another issue that has come up is that these “pay stubs” for lack of a better phrase have listed a “MISC (miscellaneous)” notation. According to NALC, Region 15, this means: There are more deductions taken out but not enough space to list them individually. The entire amount is lumped under miscellaneous. If you really want to fully investigate what is in the “miscellaneous” according to NALC, Region 15 you could request to see the payroll journal which shows every deduction listed in the report. This may be what you need to do to confirm where your money is going.
A final note to keep track of is the payment of your “new” COLA (cost of living allowance). The final number is $1934 annually. You will begin earning this hourly increase starting, Saturday, AUGUST 28TH. This new salary increase should be in your PP-19-21 pay check. Please remember, only career employees receive COLAs. In effect, this COLA increase is equivalent to approximately 2.8%. Thus, the increase should be about .92 and hour. Thus, once the COLA is added to the salary of a Grade 1, Step “O” carrier, the annual salary will go from $67237 to $69171 an additional $1934 annually. This information is on the National NALC website ( under pay charts. This is the “new” REALITY!