In Memoriam

It is with heartfelt sadness that I must advise the membership that since the last LIMB publication, 2 past Union officers of Branch 6000 have passed away.

The first is Sal Pellegrino. Sal was the Chief Shop Steward of what was the Hempstead Office(s). This included: Hempstead, East Meadow, Uniondale and West Hempstead before they were separated into individual offices. Sal was also a member of Branch 6000, Executive Board for many years as the Branch Health Benefit Officer. I always considered Sal one of my many mentors during my early years as a Shop Steward. He was always there to give encouragement and support and listen to issues and concerns that were a daily occurrence on the work floor. Sal was also a Branch 6000, Board Officer and involved with the formation of the Branch 6000 credit union.

In addition to Sal’s involvement with Branch 6000 he found time to support Veteran’s.

Sal served during the Korean War and later became Commander of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 2736. In 2009, he earned the “Person of the Year Award” from the East Meadow Herald because of his commitment to veterans. In the 2010 Memorial Day Parade, he served as the Grand Marshall. Sal kept in touch with active servicemen and service woman. He also visited Veterans who resided at Extended Care Facilities.

Sal is survived by his lovely wife, Theresa. They were married for 69 years and had 3 grown children, two daughters and a son. God Bless You Sal. Rest in Peace!

The second Union representative that we lost last month was Shop Steward Ray Gonzales. Ray recently retired but he continued to serve as the Shop Steward of the Cold Spring Harbor Post Office. I would occasionally meet Ray in Huntington where both of the Post Office(s) letter carriers are stationed. Ray wanted to remain involved with the Union even though he had retired. He was a constant presence at Union meetings and was previously elected to serve as a Branch Delegate to both National and State Conventions. He was dedicated to the Union movement and the letter carriers who he represented.

Ray is survived by his loving wife Josie of 38 years, his son Nick, and his Daughter Laura and son-in-law RJ and Grandchildren, Dennis and Claudia. Ray was an observant Catholic who volunteered time with his wife in parish marriage prep programs for over 20 years. Donations on his behalf can be made to either Memorial Sloan Kettering Foundation or Catholic Charities. God Bless You Ray. Rest in Peace!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


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