Is the Postal Service a JOKE?

Recently, Donald Trump, the President of the United States uttered these words, “the Postal Service is a Joke!” This was a response to recent Congressional legislation that was being proposed in the House of Representatives that would require the government to grant the Postal Service $25 Billion in funding because of the increase and associated cost of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Part of President Trump’s response to this request and previous comment was because of his ongoing feud with Jeff Bezos(the Head of Amazon) as well as the owner of the newspaper “The Washington Post.” President Trump’s main complaint is that he believes the Postal Service “undercharges” Amazon for the delivery of their parcels. President Trump says the rate should be “4 times” higher than the current rate that has been approved by the Postal Rate Commission.

In addition, I wonder if the President understands that Amazon, actually in many situations “ships” to UPS and UPS then ships through the USPS (that’s US) because we can deliver the “last” mile in more places than anyone else.

Amazon is expanding its fleet and delivery personnel because of COVID-19 and they have said that even after the “pandemic” is over, they will probably retain at least 75% of their “new” hires. That could “financially damage” the Postal Service in the future because of the loss of revenue.

President Trump has on various occasions been quick to say that if he cannot get the support of the Congress he will use his “power” of Executive Orders to accomplish what he strives to achieve. If that is true, then he should issue and “Order” to charge Amazon more. The truth is, “the postal reorganization act” is the law. An Executive Order cannot change it. It would need the Congress’ approval.

Calling the Postal Service a JOKE, however, is not the way to get what the President wants. Letter Carriers and Postal workers have been called “Essential Workers” meaning they are necessary and must report and perform their regular work duties unless they are incapacitated.

As of the writing of this article, the Long Island District reported that 242 postal workers had tested positive for COVID-19. 82 of them were letter carriers. In the Triboro District, it was reported that 297 postal workers had tested positive. 126 were letter carriers. That total in both Districts means within a small section of New York State, 208 letter carriers tested positive for COVOD-19. This does not mean that all letter carriers contracted the illness on the job. In effect, I think it is safe to say that thousands of letter carriers across the country have been infected.

I do not think the “Postal Service is a Joke” and neither should the President of the United States. I think President Trump needs to investigate why the Postal Service is having financial difficulties. COVID-19 is one of them for sure. Just look at the “aid” that is has been provided private companies, businesses and States (over $3 Trillion dollars.)

The second major cause of financial concern is the 2006 Congressional law that required the Postal Service to “pre-fund” its Retiree Health Benefits, 75 years into the future. When it began in 2006, the Postal Service had huge “surpluses.” For almost 3 years they paid $5 and 6 Billion dollars into the US Treasury. In 2008-09 there was a “recession.”

The Postal Service contributed for several more years more but these costs (prefunding) amounted to creating deficits until they just stopped paying. No private company or other government agency prefunds Retiree Health Benefits 75 years into the future. Why should the Postal Service? I would call the prefunding law a “JOKE” and that is what President Trump should work to change.

The House of Representatives has voted several times to change the law but the Senate for some reason refuses to act. President Trump should advise Senator Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) this law needs to be changed and its passage is critical for the survival of the Postal Service and that is not a “JOKE.”

In closing, I want to thank all of Letter Carriers of Branch 6000 and their Families for the Service they are providing the Long Island Community. You are delivering needed Medicines, Food, equipment and messages. Most of all, you are bringing “HOPE” to our customers. Your presence is a sign that things although “not normal,” delivering the mail still is.(with a few modifications, masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, wipes, etc..

We will return to “normal” someday. What is most important, is that you are still delivering for the American people. God Bless All of You and Your Families and please keep yourself Safe, Healthy and Well!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


In Memoriam


Consolidated Casing Grievances