The Joe D’Avanzo Memorial Golf Outing for Branch 6000

The Joe D’Avanzo Memorial Golf Outing for Branch 6000 is set for Monday, May 22, 2023. Once again, and for the 29th year, we have scheduled the golf outing at the Rock Hill Country Club in Manorville. The continental breakfast starts at 8:00 AM followed by a shotgun start at approximately 9:00 AM. Due to the possibility of overcrowding, it would be a good idea for anyone wishing to play in this year’s outing to sign up as soon as possible. As I state in every year’s announcement, First come (including payment)-First served.

The cost of this year’s outing will be $175.00. Included in the price are a continental breakfast, hot dog/hamburger, and beverage at the turn, 18 holes of golf, cart, and a buffet style lunch immediately following the outing.

As always, a 50/50 hole will be on the course as well as a prize raffle held during our luncheon. Longest drive and closest to the pin awards will be handed out. Come join the fun! What a way to start the summer season.

Last years’ outing was a great success for our charity fund. We were able to add significantly to our contribution for The Muscular Dystrophy Association. With a little help this year I believe we can do even better.

Another way you can help us raise money for our charity fund is that any carrier who knows of a business that would like to sponsor a golf hole, let me know. The price of a business sponsorship will be $100. A professional sign will be placed out on the golf course at a tee-off area. The sign will show the businesses name, address, and phone number. So, check around and see if you can help us by getting a few sponsors. Letter Carriers have a special relationship with their patrons. Most would be happy to help with our mission to eradicate this terrible disease.

Each office could also sponsor a hole. The same rules apply; $100 and your station name will be placed on the golf course for all attendees to see. So, take up a collection and send it in and I’ll take care of the sign.

If you have any questions, please call me or Vincent Calvanese at the union office.

Remember, anyone wanting to play in this year’s outing (friends and family-all are welcome), please fill out the coupon in this month’s Limb Leader and mail it in as soon as possible. I hope to see you on the “Sunny/warm” golf course!

  • A reminder that it is important to have a contact number on the coupon. This is in case we must reschedule due to bad weather. Make sure the number you give is reachable on a Saturday or Sunday.


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