Your Safety

There have been many articles written and talks given about the safety of letter carriers.  Whether it is to watch out for loose dogs, or practicing safe driving.

Very recently, the National Director of Safety and Health, Manny Peralta Jr. wrote a wonderful article about “Customers can be our greatest safety risk” (Postal Record June, 2023). This article focuses on the dangers letter carriers, both men and women, face while at work both in the office, and on the routes.  The article focused on the harassment, dangerous advancements, and conduct.

Unfortunately, it just doesn’t stop there.

Recently, there has been a rise in assaults and robberies to letter carriers while they are on their routes delivering mail.  With the unrest going on in the country, as well as the rising rate of homelessness and joblessness (post -pandemic), we all need to watch ourselves and pay attention to our surroundings.  If someone or something doesn’t look right, don’t approach, and keep moving.  If you are approached by someone asking questions and they don’t feel right or look right, back up, get away from the situation, and call for help.

We recently had several carriers mugged.  These robbers were looking to take their arrow keys and, in some instances, the mail.  Don’t try to fight anyone. Don’t try to be a HERO. If they want the mail or the keys, Give It To Them. We have been advised that these robbers are working in groups.  So, Beware!  Is it worth your life or your health?  No!  And remember, it is not yours, and it can and will be replaced.  Get away from the situation, call the police, and then call the office.

We want all of you to go home the way you came in to work, in one piece.

Carol Brown

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


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