You have heard those old sayings: TIME is money and TIME is of the essence.  While TIME is TIME and it is your TIME to take or management will take your TIME and make it their TIME and then give you more TIME by giving you more work to do for that TIME!

     How many of you don’t take the TIME to take your 10 minute break?  How many of you don’t take the TIME to do a vehicle inspection?  How many of you don’t take the TIME to cut the straps or count out your 3rd bundles?  How many of you don’t take the TIME to listen to a service or safety talk and you continue to case mail during the talk? How many of you don’t take wash up TIME in the morning before going to the street?  How many of you don’t take your 30 minute TIME for lunch?  How many of you don’t take the TIME for your street break?  How many of you don’t take the TIME to get cleared when returning to the office and you have to wait for the clerk to clear you, so you just leave your accountable items, scanner and keys at the desk and leave?   How many of you don’t take the wash up TIME you get when you come back from the street?  How many of you don’t take the TIME when you have parcels over your base parcel amount?  Do you even know what your base parcel amount is?  When you get an hour of overtime on another carrier’s assignment do you take the TIME to travel to and from the route you got the overtime on if it is further than the office and your route?  There is a lot of TIME the letter carrier can protect if they do their job according to the M-41 manual.

     Well TIME is TIME and TIME is money and in the letter carriers case TIME is your TIME to lose!  If you don’t take the TIME I mentioned above management will give you more work to do for that TIME.

     With the District conducting route inspections like never before it is important that you know what you are required to do beside just casing mail and pulling down the route.  There are a lot of things to do in the office that require TIME that is not accounted for in just casing mail and pulling down the route. TIME like getting equipment (trays, hampers, rubber bands etc.), TIME like doing hold mail, mark ups and premium forwarding’s, personal TIME, etc.  Again this is your TIME to use or your TIME to lose it is up to you.

     So take the TIME and read the M-41 manual, the M-41 manual is called: City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities. This manual is located at every carriers case, it is usual under the desk at your case.     Remember TIME is on your side as long as you take the TIME!

Tom Siesto

Executive Vice President


The Battle for the Mailbox


2019 White House Budget Proposal