The “NEW” Reality

COVID-19 has forced all of us to re-evaluate most of what we took for granted before the pandemic began. Most people will say that the full effect of COVID-19 started in Mid-March 2020 but others will say it began sooner than that (possibly early January 2020.)

Many small businesses and some large ones had to cease all work activities. Essential workers, however, including letter carriers continued to do their normal duties but there is nothing “normal” about the way you are conducting your “daily” work. There is a need for more caution and the wearing of masks. Social distancing is the “NEW” reality. This is not only in the workplace. It is 24/7. Even when you leave the job, you cannot escape the threat of catching the COVID-19 virus. The very air that you might be breathing could be a hazard if you are close enough to someone who is infected.

Labor and Management responded and adopted “new” work procedures in order to “try” and comply with what medical advice was suggesting should be done to contain and reduce the spread of the pandemic. One specific, memorandum concerned the local parties creating “staggered” start times so that employees were less congested in their work establishments. For a time, it seemed to work.

At least 82 letter carriers on Long Island have contracted the COVID-19 virus and there was one known fatality. No one can be certain at this time how many cases were a result of “workplace” exposure. The “NEW” reality, however, could lead one to the conclusion that many are work related.

Unfortunately, the “new” Postmaster General, Louis Dejoy seems intent on trying to reduce the costs of the Postal Service during this National crisis. This seems rather strange when you consider the fact that Letter Carriers are listed as “essential” workers. Your presence in the community, in my opinion, gives the appearance that things are somewhat normal for our customers. Why then are draconian measures (changing start time) being implemented. Again, under the guise of reducing costs, you might be able to make that argument. But doing it during a “crisis’ seems a little absurd.

One other reason for the “unilateral” start time changes and delay in mail delivery is what I will call President Trump’s attempt to derail our November elections.

Many States have “vote by mail” for elections and many others are now advocating to adopt “vote by mail” before the November 2020 elections.

The States that already have “vote by mail” have been very successful in implementing “vote by mail” and the response from voters has been in some cases an 80% participation. There has been little or no disenfranchising of voters and very little claims of “ voter” fraud.

In addition, “vote by mail” could be the best way to promote social distancing.

“Vote by mail” could be a “win-win” for all parties to reduce exposure to the Covid-19 virus. Why then would anyone be opposed to a “vote by mail?”

The real reason could be that the present political polls are showing that an overwhelming majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the President’s performance during the COVID-19 crisis. Under that scenario, if “vote by mail” is used, a significant higher amount of voters (who are dissatisfied) would be casting their votes using the “mail.”

President Trump and many other wealthy individuals use the “absentee” ballot system to cast their vote. If an absentee ballot is good for the President, why is a “vote by mail” system not good for the rest of us!

The final issue that needs to be reviewed is the current “stimulus” package that would provide $25 billion dollars for the postal service. The House of representatives passed this legislation in May of 2020. The US Senate under the leadership of Senator Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) has chosen not to act on the stimulus package that includes a postal service subsidy and which would also continue the $600 a week “unemployment” benefit.

Some people would call this “brinkmanship” on the part of McConnell. The delay was done to “force” the other side to bargain over the unemployment benefit. I, however, would call it “cowardice.” The majority of Americans believe in “fair” play and the “rule of law.” This is a perversion of the law during a National crisis.

We should be working together to relieve the stress that we are facing daily.

I believe, this November will give every American who “votes” an opportunity to send a strong message to those politicians and government officials that we deserve better leadership and leaders who are looking out for the people they represent instead of looking out for themselves. God Bless All of you and your Families. Be safe! Stay Healthy and Well!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


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