Federal Judge Blocks Operational Changes by USPS to Slow Down Mail

           A federal judge in Washington on September 17th granted a request from 14 states to temporarily block operational changes within the U.S. Postal Service that have been blamed for a slowdown in mail delivery, saying President Donald Trump and Postmaster Louis DeJoy are “involved in a politically motivated attack” on the USPS that could disrupt the 2020 election. 

           Judge Stanley A. Bastian, chief justice of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington went on to say that “The states have demonstrated that the defendants are involved in a politically motivated attack on the efficiency of the Postal Service”.   This ruling- the first major decision to come out of several lawsuits filed by states against the Postal Service- was a victory for those who contend that Trump’s persistent attacks on mail-in voting and DeJoy’s operational changes are part of a concerted effort to impede the vote on November 3rd.  “It is easy to conclude that the recent Postal Service changes is an intentional effort on the part of the current Administration to disrupt and challenge the legitimacy of upcoming elections”  the judge wrote.

            DeJoy, who took office this past June, and a big Trump and Republican Party donor and supporter, is largely seen as a Trump “appointee” as Postmaster General.  The Postal Board of Governors, whose job it is to select the PMG, had put together an extensive list of potential people to select from (DeJoy was NOT on this list), but somehow ended up selecting DeJoy to fill the vacant PMG position?  DeJoy is the first person in the history of this country to be selected to the PMG position without ANY Postal Service experience whatsoever. 

              The lawsuit initiated by the 14 states stated in part that DeJoy acted outside his authority by making these operational changes without seeking an advisory opinion from the Postal Regulatory Commission, an independent agency with broad power to review USPS policies.

              Some of the recent policies implemented by the USPS were cutting retail hours, removing postal collection boxes, removing mail-processing equipment, changing carrier cases, delaying first class mail, and changing truck schedules.

              More than in any past election, our jobs at the Postal Service may be greatly affected by the results of this year’s Presidential Election.   Please take that into consideration when casting your ballot.  PLEASE VOTE!!!   Either in person, or by mail-in ballot.  Your vote matters!!!   Thank you.

Nick D'Avanzo

Scholarship Chairman


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