The Future of the NALC’s Legislative Goals

      The May 2022 issue of the “Postal Record” should be read and studied by all letter carriers. On page # 7, it begins with a reference to the fact that HR 3076 was passed by bi-partisan support and signed into law on April 6, 2022.   The NALC says that the efforts to enact this legislation took 12 years. At the time of the signing of this legislation, President Joseph Biden remarked, “We’re repealing the pre-funding mandate and setting the Postal Service on a more sustainable and stable and financial footing. We’re “guaranteeing” (emphasis added) that the mail will continue to be delivered 6 days a week!” These words (guaranteeing delivery 6 days a week) should bring some comfort to all active career letter carriers.  Non-careers employees (City Carrier Assistants, CCAs), however, in my opinion, will not be protected because of the current flexibility management still has to hire, as well as reduce CCA hours of work. This must be addressed in any “new” National Agreement that is negotiated or arbitrated in the future.  This August, at our National Convention, all National Officers and Regional National Business agents will be up for election. Every letter carrier, but especially CCAs should be observing which candidates will be advocating for them and pledging improvement of wages, hours and especially working conditions. Over the past 30 years or longer, the job of a letter carrier has become more difficult and physically challenging. When hourly wages did improve for career employees it was generally achieved at the expense of CCAs or other non-career letter carriers. CCAs were generally hired at substantially lower hourly pay. It currently takes over 12 years for a career letter carrier to achieve “top” pay. 50 years ago, it took 21 years to achieve “top” pay. In the late 1970s, however, “top” pay was achieved after 8 years of service. The NALC needs to restore that benefit! Remember, also that CCAs receive no credit for their prior years of service. Thus, if a CCA works 2 years (equal to 2 step increases for a career carrier) before becoming a career Employee they get no credit for “step” increases. This needs to be changed or we need to negotiate an all-career work force. We were almost at that point 12 years ago until non carrier positions were created an increased. The NALC in the May “Postal Record” admonishes all letter carriers to “Stay Focused” on legislative issue. Unfortunately, some of these legislative items, such as, “Government Pension Offset (GPO)” have not achieved any success for change for almost 50 years. Perhaps a “new” strategy needs to be developed! Also, these letter carriers and their families who were impacted may no longer be “alive” for a “benefit” or a “refund” if the GPO were abolished. Could their heirs be eligible to receive a monetary compensation? Finally, all members should “Stay Focused” on legislative items and should voluntarily contribute to the Letter Carrier Political Education Fund to support politicians who support our agenda. Letter Carriers, however, need to always “Stay Focused” on Collective Bargaining and the continued improvement in wages, hours, benefits and most of all working conditions. Since our job has become “harder” and definitely more physical (6 or more daily work hours on the street) we should be advocating for a 25 year full retirement benefit. We should also be pursuing a 7 hour work day and a 35 hour work week versus the current 8 hour day and 40 hours work week for the “same pay.” This change would also lead to the conversion of more CCAs to career status. Yours for the Union! (STAY FOCUSED)

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


The Empire State Letter Carrier Summer 2022


Joint Route Inspections