Retirement Counseling

Letter carriers approaching retirement eligibility have a contractual right to individual pre-retirement counseling. The purpose of the counseling is to promote fully informed retirement decisions by employees.

The Postal Service individual counseling is provided telephonically by a retirement specialist at the USPS Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC). Letter carriers initiate and schedule the counseling session by calling HRSSC at 877-477-3273 option 5, or online at the LiteBlue application.

Letter carriers have a right to this individual counseling on the clock if desired. When you wish to receive the counseling on the clock, local management must arrange reasonably private space. You have the right to have your spouse and/or advisor present during the counseling. The counseling will include, but not limited to, completing forms and military and civilian service deposit issues.

The Postal Service is required to provide individual counseling. This obligation flows from law (the Civil Service Retirement Act and Federal Employees Retirement Act), the Office of Personnel Management (OPM is the federal agency that has the authority to administrate CSRS and FERS), USPS Employee and Labor Relations Manual provisions, and national level settlements with the NALC.


Second Opinion Examinations Ordered by OWCP


Sticking Together