
*Before you read this article, I must qualify that it was written during the third week of October, so at times it may seem outdated since the election is only a couple of weeks away.

It seems that the turmoil just keeps spinning around us daily. My last two articles I held the PMG and the Trump administrations feet to the fire regarding the USPS. These were my thoughts and I believe that I hit the target. The USPS is having a hard time completing its mission during these trying times of Covid-19, heavy parcels, political mail, lack of help and incompetent management. The beacon of light during these dark times is the workforce. Even understaffed, the carrier craft as well as the other crafts keep pushing through. It is the dedication of the men and women working in the trenches that make me believe that better times are coming.

The Covid-19 virus has brought this country to its knees but it will not break us. The strength of this country is our diverse population. A population of people from every walk of life and every country in the word who bring different perspectives to the table. I believe that if we could get past the hatred and finger pointing and name calling, we could be all on that better path. I have hope that this coming election will right the ship. A ship that currently has no decency or decorum. A ship filled with lies, hatred and narcissism at the helm. Until both sides, both Democratic and Republican, can sit to openly discuss how to correct all the issues that have befell us, we will continue to be a rudderless ship. I have been involved with political issues for almost 35 years. Been to Washington dozens of times meeting with members of both parties to discuss our issues.  Most of those meetings were very fruitful because we have so many friends in Congress. Congress has always had the utmost respect for the Letter Carriers and other craft employees. Why you ask? The fact we have personal contact with the public each day is the major connection. Congress knows that the public has loved their mailman and the service we have provided. We also have a letter carrier PAC that we use to assist our friends in getting elected and re-elected. Even during these trying times and the constant attacks by the right, most of congress still appreciates what we do and how we do it. As long as we keep that avenue open, we will always have the opportunity to right the tilted ship.

The real problem now in Washington is that neither side is willing to listen and compromise on issues that are important to the country and not just their pet projects and friends. The politicians in D.C. are totally out of touch with reality and what is important to their constituents. Many of their actions are disgusting and place us all in the line of fire. Just to show you what I mean, the Trump administration just attempted to cut food stamps to over 700,00 needy people. At a time when tens of millions of people are out of work and destitute. Thank God that the courts decided to disallow the administrations attack on the public. Think about that for a minute. During these exceedingly difficult times with homelessness, hunger and discourse on the rise, this administration decides to put more elderly and children at risk. I just cannot wrap my head around this. And I do not recall too many politicians jumping up to support the public on this issue. Shame on each and every one of them. The politicians seem to have lost sight of what their obligations are to this country.  These politicians work for US! Instead they pander to big business and multi-millionaires.

Every discussion is partisan and not in the best interest of the general public they represent. Most of this started when the TEA Party rolled onto the scene. They decided that their mandate was to steamroll the Democratic party at every step, whether it adversely affect the public or not. I remember a story told to me by, to the best of my recollection, former Congressman Gary Ackerman. The story was this; he complained that the atmosphere in congress had become polluted and toxic. He stated during his many years as a congressman that even though the Democrats and Republicans had different agendas, they always worked together. He stated that it was understood that 80% of the issues were pretty much untouchable due to partisan and ideological beliefs. But he stated that the parties worked hard to push through the other 20% for the good of the country. The parties understood the necessity of passing legislation that was bipartisan for the good of the country. That story struck a chord with me, especially in these times of altered states. Both sides seem to draw a line, many times as a detriment to those they represent, just to β€œwin”. They pander to big business and their lobbyist. Who wins in those circumstances? Not you and surely not me. The only winners are the wealthy, big businesses, and politicians themselves who rake in millions for their campaigns. The only way for all of us to win is to be registered to vote and then actually vote! Get rid of those who do not represent majority of the population! Its time for term limits. Too many of these politicians have made a killing on our backs and that needs to change.

I would like to wish you and your families the absolute best. Stay Healthy and have a Happy Thanksgiving. In case the next LIMB Leader does not get out before the end of December, I wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy Holiday Season. 


A New Beginning!


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