The Forgotten Essential Worker

In my prior articles, I usually would write about OWCP; however, in my new position as treasurer, I will write on different subjects. First, I want to wish Tom Kelly a Happy and Healthy Retirement. Thank you for all your assistance and advice throughout the years and especially in my elected position as Treasurer. Enjoy playing golf down in Florida and hit them straight.

When the state shut down, we were one of the few agencies that kept on going to work. We continued to complete our duties effectively and professionally.  We provided a sense of normalcy for our customers and a lifeline for businesses. We delivered medications, birthday, and anniversary cards allowing people to keep connected while being socially distanced.  We also delivered important documents, such as, the stimulus checks which helped many households to purchase food and prescription drugs as well as the ability to pay their bills and mortgages. For almost a year now, Letter Carriers have been putting their health at risk along with their family’s by continuing to deliver the mail to thousands of households throughout the country. Fortunately, there is a light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna which have been authorized to stop the spread of COVID-19. Hopefully, by the time this article comes out Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine will also be approved for distribution.

However, there is an issue that is currently affecting many carriers here on Long Island. We have been denied the opportunity to get any of the COVID-19 vaccines. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has listed Letters Carriers as essential workers and labeled us as 1b. Unfortunately, the Federal government has left the States to determine who would be eligible first to be given the vaccine. For some strange reason, Governor Cuomo and his team of 15 including senior state officials, health, and budget leaders have not included Letter Carriers in the state’s version of phase 1b as essential workers. They have forgotten us for this category.  I understand and completely agree that Doctors, Nurses, Police, Fire, and EMT workers should get the vaccine first; however, how could he and his committee forget us?

I realize that based on the current groups the Governor has already placed into the 1b category there are roughly 7.5 million people on the list and only 250,000 dosages of the vaccine can be administered per week. Based on the current projection it will take 7.5 months to just get this group vaccinated without any additional delays. There are about 17.5 million people who live in the state of New York.  We are not the only workers who are considered essential that the Governor’s team has overlooked, and they should be considered as well. However, we should be placed on the eligible list and given the opportunity to schedule an appointment to get the vaccine.

There are just under 45,000 Postal Employees who work in the State of New York, including almost 8 thousand on Long Island. In other states, Letter Carriers are eligible to get vaccinated based on the CDC guidelines category of 1b. Recently the Governor has included additional groups considered essential such as, restaurant workers and taxi and Uber drivers, however, he has still ignored us.

This Branch has been proactive in the pursuit of getting Letter Carriers on the list to get vaccinated. We have sent emails to the following elected officials:

●        Governor Cuomo (

●        Senators Charles Schumer ( )

●        Kristen Gillibrand (

The Branch has also made phone calls to New York State AFL CIO for assistance in getting this accomplished. If you agree with me that Letter Carriers should be added to the list of essential employees in phase 1b in New York State, then I am asking all carriers to email, Governor Cuomo, to place Letter Carriers on the list to get the vaccine. I have provided the email addresses above to contact all the elected officials, so you can tell them not to forget that we are Essential Workers and should be added to the list. Stay safe everyone. Wear your mask, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and practice social distancing. We will all get through this together.

Charlie Smith

1st Vice President


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