Membership Information/Correct Address

One of my jobs as Financial Secretary is to try and keep the membership information up to date. Recently, in looking through the files in membership, I do not have current addresses for some of our members. Current and retired members have moved and have not called or submitted their new mailing addresses. If I don’t have your correct address, you will not receive any information the Branch mails out to the membership. Without your correct address you will not receive the Branch 6000 Limb Leader, or the National Postal Record. Both the Limb Leader and the Postal Record contain important information that keeps the membership aware of current events, and contractual information.


If you are not receiving the Limb Leader or Postal Record, and recently moved in the last 5 years, you probably need to update your information. There are 3 ways you can update your information with the Branch:


1.      Talk to your shop steward and give him/her your updated information to give to the Branch.

2.      Send your correct address to the Branch by mail:

NALC Branch 6000

630 Broadway

Amityville, NY 11701

Att: Vince Calvanese

3.      Call the Branch and ask for me (Vince Calvanese) at 631-789-1616.


Contract COLA: Accumulated COLA is $1,061 through April 2022
The projected accumulation toward the sixth regular COLA under the 2019-2023 National Agreement stood at $1,061 annually in April following the release of the March 2022 Consumer Price Index.


2023 Retiree COLAs Projection: 5.5% as of April 2022

The 2023 COLAs for CSRS and FERS benefits are based on the increase in the average CPI-W between the 3rd quarter of 2021 (268.421) and the 3rd quarter of 2022 (TBA).


2023 FECA COLA Projection: 3.4% as of April 2022


Enjoy your day off for Memorial Day, May 26th, in respect and honor for all our fallen Military Veterans, who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life to protect your freedom!


Be safe and keep smiling.

Vincent Calvanese

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


Back to the Future Start Times


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Maternity Leave