PS Form 3996

Your Supervisor just came up to you as you walk in the door to begin your tour, and declares” the mail is light today keep it to an 8 hour day”.  You think to yourself well that’s funny because all the mail is not up, you have two full saturations of mailings on the floor that you were instructed to take out and your small parcels and large parcels are heavy.  What do you do?  The first thing to do is not to get upset.  Wait until shortly after the cutoff of mail and determine if you can complete your assignment in 8 hours. Be sure to remember to factor into account that you should be taken your authorized street break or breaks including your ½ hour of unpaid lunch.    If you have determined that you will not be able to return back to the office and keep the assignment to an 8 hour day then you must request a PS Form 3996, Carrier –Auxiliary Control.

This requirement is contained in the M-41 Carriers Handbook and States:

131.4 Reporting Requirements


131.41 It is your responsibility to verbally inform management when you are of the opinion that you will be unable to case all mail distributed to the route, perform other required duties, and leave on schedule or when you will be unable to complete delivery of all mail.


131.42 Inform management of this well in advance of the scheduled leaving time and not later than immediately following the final receipt of mail. Management will instruct you what to do.


131.43 Complete applicable items on Form 3996, Carrier-Auxiliary Control, if overtime or auxiliary assistance is authorized in the office or on the street.   


The requirement for a carrier to fill out this form is not optionally and needs to be done in accordance with the Reporting Requirements cited above. Failure to so could result in management disciplining a Letter Carrier for failing to abide by the requirements of the M-41/ Failure to Follow Instructions.  


Likewise the failure to provide a carrier with PS Form 3996 and to provide a duplicate copy of the completed form by management is not optionally and management has a responsibility to do so as cited from section 122.33 of the M-39 Handbook.


122.33 The employee, upon request, will be provided a Form 3996, Carrier - Auxiliary Control, after the supervisor has been verbally informed as to the reason for the request. The employee shall not be denied the form and, upon request, a duplicate of the completed form will be provided the employee. 


Furthermore, Article 41.G. cited below requires:

G. The Employer will advise a carrier who has properly submitted a Carrier Auxiliary Control Form 3996 of the disposition of the request promptly after review of the circumstances at the time. Upon request, a duplicate copy of the completed Form 3996 and Form 1571, Report of Undelivered Mail, etc., will be provided the carrier.


If you are denied the form, immediately request to see your Shop Steward. If your request to see your Shop Steward is denied, then make sure another carrier hears you say the words. Do not scream from the Top of your lungs; Just make sure someone other than your manager hears you.   Please make sure that that if your assignment is going to run you over 8 hours you request and Fill out a PS Form 3996. The PS Form 3996 may help protect you from discipline. In addition always request a completed PS Form 3996 from your supervisor when you fill one out and if you do not get a completed copy returned to you upon request see your Shop steward and ask that he or she file a grievance on your behalf.

Tom Kelly

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


Big Brother


Pay Attention and Stay Involved!!