District and Contract Updates

Executive Vice President Tom Siesto and I sat with the new District Manager, John Tortorice, on February 14th in Melville. I found the meeting to be open and sincere. We discussed a few issues including, the Food drive, The use of Pro-master vehicles on mounted and dis-mount routes, his vision going forward, whether there are any new C&DC offices coming up. Just general topics that we agreed on. No arguments, just plain old-fashioned discussions. The meeting was enjoyable and without any malice. With that, I hope we can continue with open dialogue as we move forward. Do not think for a moment that Tom and I do not understand the pressures that are being put on the craft. Many of the issues we have are being pushed down by Washington and the Area. John has been on Long Island for years, so he knows the players and the way we deliver mail here. This is not a new outsider that has to be brought up to date on how things work in NY2. That is a plus, and a minus for us. Let’s see where we go from here. I wish him well.

Tom and I went to the recent Committee of Presidents meeting. NALC President Brian Renfroe was there to address the hundreds of Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents. The main issue is where we are with the contract. As of this writing, the USPS and NALC have a neutral Arbitrator picked. Dennis Nolan was chosen to sit in as the neutral Arbitrator just as he was in our last negotiations. This is a positive for us since Mr. Nolan has heard all of the arguments made prior and will have a full working knowledge of our job. It makes life and the hearing a little easier when you do not have to educate a new arbitrator on the workings of the USPS. As most know, Arbitrator Nolan was almost ready to make his decision known after the last contract hearings ended when both the NALC and the USPS told him it was not necessary since the two sides reached a settlement. A majority of the issues have already been resolved or agreed on pending an agreement. The issues of pay raises, one tier pay scale, TIAREAP and the promotion of CCA’s are still being discussed. President Renfroe stated that we are ready for arbitration if that is what must be, but we will continue to negotiate parallel to that in hopes of reaching an agreement so we will not have to live with an outsider’s decision.

I have been informed by the district that they are currently looking at the placements of the Pro-mater vehicles. I have been in touch with Director of City Delivery Chris Jackson this week and he confirmed that the USPS agrees with not using the Pro-master on mounted and dismount routes. They are currently taking a survey to see exactly where they are in use. After this is done, I expect to see most of the Pro-master vehicles only being used on park and loop routes. If that is not the case in the near future, you must let your full-time officer know. I want all who are affected to make sure you file 1767 regarding the safety problems with the delivery while using the pro-masters. This problem will not go away unless we continue to press the safety issues. If you are injured using this type of vehicle, make sure you file your OWCP claim and contact the office for assistance. Do not let any manager or supervisor talk you out of filing a claim. If they try, I would like to be informed of such.

With well over 50% of our craft being hired since 2013, many do not understand the workings of the USPS. Management has many rights as outlined under Article 3 in the National Agreement. They have the right to hire, fire, promote and give instructions. That is true in any business. What they do not have the right to do is to violate the contract, which includes all handbooks and manuals under Article 19. If management gives you an instruction, unless your safety or health is placed in danger, you must comply with the instruction. If that instruction violates any conditions or language in the contract, we must then file a grievance. That is the way the process works. Obey and grieve if necessary. The grievance process is for our protection.


Forced Overtime


Stamp Out Hunger