Letter Carrier’s Daily Log

At the 2010 National Convention in Anaheim, it was suggested a Daily Log be created for carriers to use. That form was created for a letter carrier to use. On this form, you can record daily information that is important for letter carriers to keep track of. The form has the following information on it:

1.      Name

2.      Route Number

3.      Date and day of the week

4.      Clock Rings (Begin Tour, Move Street, Move Office, End Tour)

5.      Amount of Overtime/Auxiliary Assistance Requested

6.      Amount of Overtime/Auxiliary Assistance Approved

7.      Every MSP Scan during your day (including hot case, leave office, return office)

8.      Mail Volume (letters, flats, SPR’s, parcels, DPS, FSS – Cased and Curtailed)

9.      Lunch and Breaks (Begin time and end time)

10.  Auxiliary Assistance Received (Start address, End address)

11.  Auxiliary Assistance Worked (Route, Begin Time, End Time)


With route inspections going on this spring and probably in the fall it would be a good idea to use this form to keep track of your day. This way if there is ever a discrepancy, the Union can use the information to help in a possible grievance investigation, if necessary. In these days of management carrying out route count and inspections, you must remain vigilant and keep track of your route. You work hard every day. Be smart and protect your route. The more documentation you have on your route, the better. Don’t cut corners by skipping your lunch or one of your breaks. When you need to take a comfort stop, take it. When you are running late on the street call your supervisor and let them know, so they can authorize overtime or auxiliary help to you.


You can go the National Union’s website to find the Letter Carrier’s Daily Log Form. You can either print the form or fill it out right on the website and save it to your computer. The website you go to is:



Any problem on finding the form you can call me at the branch at 631-789-1616.

Be safe and keep smiling.

Vincent Calvanese

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


Route Count and Inspections (RCI)


Walk Out Routes