Accidents! Accidents! (Revisited)

Accidents are on the rise.  Out of eighty-one districts across the country, the Long Island District is the leader when it comes to accidents, and that is not a good thing.  With that dubious honor, comes the scrutiny.  You know how “STUFF” trickles downhill, and that is what is happening to us.  The powers that be in Washington have gotten on the NY Metro Area, which has passed it down to the District. Now local management is being scrutinized to make sure every accident is being fully investigated.  Discipline is being issued in almost every instance.

It is up to you to pay attention and to be diligent while working in a safe manner.  Make sure you report your accident in a timely manner; like right away.  Even if you are not sure you will require medical treatment, you must report the accident anyway.  


Obtain and complete a CA-1 as soon as possible.  Be consistent with statements on CA-1 as well as statements made to the supervisor and the doctor. In other words, think before you speak.  Be specific with all details regarding the cause of the accident and the nature of the injuries.  Be descriptive, not vague!  If possible, provide names of witnesses, and what they saw, or what they heard.


Be sure to exercise your right to select COP as opposed to using sick leave or annual leave when completing the CA-1.  COP should be chosen.  Don’t forget to obtain a receipt for the CA-1.


If medical assistance is necessary, make sure you get a CA-16 and a CA-17 from the office for your doctor.  The CA-16 allows your doctor to provide all necessary tests without waiting for approval from OWCP.   If you delay in reporting an accident, you can forfeit your right to receive this form.  The CA-17 will outline your duty status.  

Get medical evidence in a timely manner.  It is your responsibility to support your claim.  The burden of proving entitlement of benefits is yours.  Have all medical documentation filled out clearly and precise (such as the CA-17).


Make a copy of all forms turned into the office or to OWCP for your records.  These forms can sometimes mysteriously disappear.  Protect yourself.


I know you have heard all this before, but accidents are on the rise and so is the discipline that is being issued.  


Be safe out there.  They are also looking hard at accident repeaters.  Take your time and work safe.  This is what they want.  Save the running for the track.




Joseph Morelli

Recording Secretary


Retiree Brunch and Raffle


Safety Hazards While Delivering Mail