Comings and Goings

I was on a teleconference last week with Region 15 and NALC Executive Vice President, Brian Renfroe. A few of my observations:

● EFEL was not negotiated. We had little to say about it.

● OPM set the rules for all federal agencies. They took 5 weeks to do so.

● The policy outlines what is needed to get the leave and how the USPS is to get reimbursed for the money they laid out.

● Congress set aside $580 Million Dollars for the program. It is set to expire in September or earlier if the money runs out.

● Anyone who took EFEL between March 12th and April 16th of this year must fill out the EFEL forms by May 21st. they must hand them in to management and if they fail to do so, you will have your EFEL changed to LWOP or have your sick leave deducted. If your EFEL is changed to LWOP, you will probably receive a letter of demand for the money paid to you.

● If you take EFEL after April 16th, you must fill out the forms and provide any requested documentation to get paid. If not, your leave will be used for all time out due to COVID related issues.

● This is the policy for all Federal Agencies - No exceptions.

Postal Reform Bill HR 3076 looks very promising. The bill has passed unanimously through the committee and will come up for a full vote shortly. The bill addresses:

● The pre-funding issue will end. Address future retiree health benefit issues.

● It will make it mandatory for every retiree to take Medicare, parts A&B when they turn 65-year-old. The bill waives any penalties. Some exceptions granted.

● Mandates 6-day delivery permanently. This issue must be brought up and voted on in each session of Congress.

This is a stand-alone bill with no pork or other issues in it. This gives it the best chance for success. Contact your congressman/woman and ask Him or Her to support this bill.

Another bill, HR 3077, dealing with other issues, is currently being worked on. This bill may include paid family Medical/Maternity leave. This bill will have a tough time passing.

The Senate is currently working on a sister bill to HR 3076. If it passes both sides in the congress, then it would be sent to the President for signature.

Three new Board of Governors have been appointed by President Biden. Two have passed and the last one should be approved shortly. This gives the Democrats the majority. This should make it a little easier to get things done.

The COVID 19 MOUs will in all probably be extended at least 1 more time after June 4th. It has not been done yet.

Region 15 NBA Larry Cirelli touched on the on-going USPS re-organization. The Tri-borough district is being abolished with a majority being added to the Long Island District. A major shake-up for the managers in both districts is coming.

No one knows who is coming or who is going yet. Should be interesting. Region 15 RAA Bruce Didrickson spoke about the Department of Labor/OWCP.

He stated the Dept. of Labor/OWCP has totally reorganized due to the Pandemic.

1. Many employees will work from home or remotely.

2. There is no more district phone number, only one phone number for the entire country, 1-202-513-6860. You will be directed to a claim’s examiner. You will not be just dealing with a claim examiner in your area. The claim examiner could be anywhere in the United States.

3. Claim numbers have changed. The old system used a number identifying the area you live in. Here in this region, all numbers started with 02. Now all claim numbers will start with 55. Why? We don’t know.

4. All new Covid related cases after March 12, 2021 will start with 19.

5. Any approved covid case before 3/12/21 will keep the 02-number assigned.

6. If the case was denied and then approved, a new 19 number will be assigned.

Region 15 RAA Tony Perconte discussed the new Mercedes vehicles. There have been reports of these vehicles shutting down while working. It seems that these vehicles must use Premium gas. A number of carriers have put in the lower octane fuel. This is causing major problems. Use only premium gas in these vehicles.

A great time was had by all in attendance of our Joe D’Avanzo Charity Golf Outing. The weather was beautiful and the course pristine. It was nice to see old friends after a year of being pretty much locked down. To hear the laughter and comradery was blissful to the ears and heart. You do not realize what you have until it is gone. Just being outside, mask-less if that was your preference, hammered home the past 18 months and what we have lost. These past 18 months have dulled the senses. We have lost so many good people, parents, grandparents, spouses, children, and friends. Let’s hope we can move on and get back to where we were, even with the heavy burdens we now carry.

Enjoy your summer and stay safe.


Adapting to Change


Somebody is Watching You