Job Security

How can every letter carrier contribute to their financial future and job security? As the saying goes, “there are no sure things in life.” One way, however, that I believe every letter carrier has an opportunity to contribute to their future is to embrace the Customer Connect program.

Customer Connect is very basic for letter carriers. The idea behind it is that letter carriers will try to provide leads to District Sales Representatives in order to generate revenue. Revenue in turn, pays for letter carrier salaries and benefits (pensions, 401-K, health and life insurance). This can provide you job security.

I have spoken over the past several months in a number of offices in the hopes of increasing leads in order to generate revenue. I am pleased to say that this membership is listening and has increased the amount of “leads” by 117% This is a very good start and I want to thank those letter carriers for answering the call.

When I speak to the membership about customer connect I stress the words “job security.” I not only talk about the money that their “leads” can generate, I also explain that it is a very simple process. I also tell carriers that they are not doing this for “management” and that they are not doing this for the “Union.” They are doing this for themselves and their Family.

The monies generated by customer connect help pay your wages and benefits. Again, that is job security. The simple part of the process is that you only need ask a customer, “Would you like to save some money?!” Who does not want to save money? You are not required to be a sales person. You do not have to know all of the products and their costs.

After the customer says they are interested in saving money then there are only two other things to ask. 1) The name of the person who a sales Rep. can contact and 2) the telephone number or address of that person. SIMPLE. This is a your “lead”.

This information can be given to your NALC customer connect Rep.(if you have one) or your supervisor/manager. They in turn should submit the “lead” and a sales Rep. should attempt to make contact with the customer within 48 hours. Sometimes when a contact is attempted they don’t always get through so you need to inquire as to what is going on with the “lead.” You might even want to ask the customer if contact was made after 2 weeks.

Letter Carriers have a special connection with their customers. The Ponemon Group for the last several years has surveyed the public about who they “trust” the most in the federal sector which includes Congress. Fortunately for letter carriers, over 80% of the public say they trust you. Unfortunately for members of Congress, the trust is about 10%. This speaks volumes about a letter carriers relationship with customers and I believe it gives you a tremendous opportunity to generate “leads” which can generate “revenue.”

One final part of getting involved in customer connect is that some letter carriers say they cannot generate any leads because they don’t have any businesses. I would say that is a myth. I believe all letter carriers have an opportunity. On the street, you observe many things. You know where there are “home” businesses and you also observe our competitors (UPS, Fed Ex, Amazon, DHL, etc…), that is a potential “lead.” You also see when a “new” business comes in to town.

It is also interesting that on December 24th, one of these competitors has announced that they will be raising their rates by almost 5% (Merry Christmas). Remember, those words, “Would you like to save some money?” This is an opportunity for all letter carriers.

Finally, letter carriers are not restricted to generating “leads” only in your own post office. Many letter carriers are involved in their Communities. They are volunteer firemen, church and civic leaders, PTAs and school board members to name a few. The list can go “on and on.” These are also possible “leads.”

Customer Connect is something that all letter carriers can get involved with, from the very “new” CCA to the most senior carrier. If our company is healthy and strong we and our Families will be secure. Only you can make the decision to get involved. Please think about it now and for the New Year. Make it a resolution! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to ALL! God Bless!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


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