Overtime, Assistance, or Curtailment?

     With the new evaluation process for adjusting routes Technology Integrated Alternate Route Evaluation and Adjustment Process (TIAREAP) will begin this upcoming fall it is now more important than ever to document when you are either going to need overtime, assistance or if you are going to curtail your mail to complete your route.  I’m talking about completing forms 3996 and 1571’s these forms are guaranteed to you by the contract, and they protect you when Management attempts to tell you failed to notify them that you had taken unauthorized overtime. I constantly hear carriers say, “I can’t be bothered filling out the form” or “they know I can’t complete the route without working overtime” or the best one “they are only going to deny it anyway”.

     Throughout the branch there are many carriers being disciplined for Failure to Follow Instructions, Extension of Street Time, and Unauthorized Overtime. These types of disciplines can be rescinded providing you complete the P.S Form 3996. When you hand the form to your Supervisor, ask for a copy and keep it for your records.  If Management instructs you to leave the mail behind, then complete form 1571 and get a copy of that as well.

     I cannot emphasis enough, that you are responsible for and have the right to request these forms when you are of the opinion that you believe you will not be able to complete your assignment in an eight-hour day. Whether Management approves the form or not is what this article is about. As I stated above with the TIAREAP that will start this fall it is important that you get in the habit of filling out these forms to protect yourself and your route.

     By completing the form and submitting the Form 3996 to your Supervisor, this is your proof that you notified Management that in your opinion you are not able to complete/ finish your route in eight hours. I stress that you hand it to Management and not just leave it on their desk, by just leaving it, and the Supervisor not signing it you have no proof you submitted the form. If Management denies the form, then you should request a Form 1571 also known as a curtailment slip. While filling out the form you write what mail in your opinion you will need to curtail to maintain the Supervisors instructions. The form needs to be signed by the Manager and request a copy of it as well for your records.

     This paper trail will help protect your route with the new adjustment process when the NALC-USPS TIAREAP teams review the routes. By completing the forms 3996 or 1571 these forms will support what time frame you need to complete the route.  These forms take the responsibility off you and onto Management to determine to curtail the mail or give you overtime or assistance.

     Management’s immediate response to the 3996 might be” DOIS says you should be able to complete the assignment without overtime” or they may even say “you have downtime” based on their projections that your roue is less than 8 hours. DOIS Projections are a management tool; however, DOIS does not change the Handbooks and Manuals. In the Material References System (MRS) M-1664 states in part” DOIS projections are not the sole determinant of a carrier’s leaving time or return time, or daily workload” If Management refuses to provide you these forms them inform your Steward to file a grievance on your behalf. If Management denies the amount of time to complete the assignment and instructs you to take out all the mail and to be back on time, ask for a copy of the denied forms for your records. When you are out on the street delivering your route and you see around 2pm call your office and tell the Manager you are unable to complete the route within the street time and request instruction. By calling around 2pm or if the office has a policy to call later you are providing them the opportunity to assign someone to assist you if they choose.  If Management states to complete the route and be back on time let them know you can do only one thing, either be back on time or complete the route with authorized overtime, ask again, what do you want me to do. After some discussion back and forth they will instruct you to complete the assignment. The above is necessary as this will protect you if Management issues you discipline later for working overtime or extension of street time. Keep a copy of your phone records and with the new scanners you can also send them a text as well and I would recommend doing both to cover yourself.  

     It is important to notify Management to protect yourselves and your assignment. Have a great summer and enjoy time with family and friends.    


Charlie Smith

1st Vice President


Out of Line and Off Base

