Dark Days Ahead with PMG DeJoy

I hope all had a happy holiday season. It has been a difficult time for many due to Covid and the workload during these past months and year. Unfortunately, my family missed the holiday season due to Covid, but thankfully we are now all well.

When I must write my LIMB article, at times it feels like Groundhog Day. Same issues and problems going around and around with no real solutions. The NALC and other unions are constantly working to make our jobs better, but it takes two to tango. The USPS gives the best lip service in the world. Promises and agreements broken time and time again. It is tiring but we must continue the fight on that front. At least we have a friend in the White House now. It is a start but does not fix all of our issues.

My article this month is about our illustrious (disastrous?) leader, PMG Louis DeJoy, Mr. Trumps toy. A man who was put in place to bring the USPS to its knees. He is succeeding day by day. Many ask, why does President Biden not just fire him? The fact is he cannot fire the PMG based on federal law. The PMG is hired by the Board of Governors and only they can fire him. Currently there are 3 vacancies on the board of 9. 4 Republicans and 2 Democrats. In theory, if the President filled those three vacancies with Democratic Board members then they would have a majority and could fire the PMG. The sticking point is that one of the Democratic members is a Trump supporter and would probably vote against removal. This board should be terminated based on their complicit actions in following DeJoys decision to ruin the service in an attempt at keeping Trump in office at the expense of the public. They are complicit in trying to deny the people of the United States the avenues to vote. Again, unfortunately, the President may not have the power to do so. There is one Republican leaving the board in December, but it may be too late for us. As we all know the service is in the toilet. DeJoys catastrophic actions back in the summer has wreaked havoc with the daily movement of mail. It is my true belief that this was all done by design to assist Trump during the upcoming elections. Fortunately, Congress threw cold water on DeJoy in the fall and he went into hiding. Unfortunately, the damage was done to our infrastructure. Now this clown wants to pick us apart even more. Even when our national % of on time first class mail is at a rate of only 63.87%, with some areas down to 27.82%. What a total joke he has made us. Thousands of people have had late fees thrown upon them by late mail and in some cases mail that simply never to gets to its destination. Upcoming, and in some cases already implemented, will be more service cuts, higher and region-specific pricing, and lower delivery expectations. This man deserves to be ostracized by Congress and the public. He is an abomination to the public and the good hard-working employees of the USPS. His actions border on insanity and is a threat to public safety.

What is utterly amazing is the fact that he is the PMG at all. He is nothing more than a major fundraiser for Trump and the Republican party in North Carolina and the country.  I read a few months back that he had his employees donate money to the Republican party then reimbursed them for the donations. It is my understanding that, if true, it is a felony. Why has this not been investigated? At the end of the day, if this man spends much more time at the head of this organization, we may never recover.

I would suggest that each and every employee, and family/friends, of the USPS write or call their Congress Men/Women along with their Senators, requesting that something be done to dump this man before its too late. Anyone who works for this company sees what is happening. Even management is not blind to the underhanded workings of DeJoy and his buddies. If you want to keep your benefits and retirement you may not want to sit this fight out.

Joe D’Avanzo Golf Outing for Charity

Just a reminder that our Branch 6000 Joe D’Avanzo Golf outing for Charity is approaching. It will be held on Monday, May 24th at Rock Hill C.C. in Manorville. Breakfast begins at 8:00 am and tee off at 9:00 am.

Please see the ad in this month’s paper and get back to me ASAP. First come – First served. Last year we had to keep the outing to under 80. A few golfers were left out. So far, we look OK but not sure if a number restriction will be put on us again so please do not wait to let me know.

CLICK HERE for more information on the GOLF OUTING


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