
When filing grievances for issues associated with “Failure to be regular in Attendance”, some reoccurring problems have surfaced.  It seems that many of the 3971s that the Letter Carriers are handing in when returning from an illness or personal time off are not correctly filled out or are turned in incomplete.

            First and foremost, Management should provide a 3971 to the employee upon their return from an absence.  This can be a blank form or a computer generated form if you work in an ERMS reporting office. However, if you are not given a 3971 upon your return, it is still your responsibility to get and make out a 3971 to insure getting paid for the absence.  Just the fact that you provide documentation is not enough.  Remember, the 3971 is the request for the type of leave you are seeking.

            It is also your responsibility to make sure the form you sign is correct. The time of call, the date of call, whether it is a FMLA documented illness, or dependent care, all of this information needs to be included on the 3971.   Many 3971s have the wrong date or time of call.  In some situations when you let them fill it out, Management purposely checks “not FMLA related” when in fact it was.  This is information you should be filling out.  Stop letting someone else do your thing, this is your time, and your money.  Take care of it!

            I have heard that in some offices, Management does not give the 3971 until weeks after the fact.  Don’t let this happen.  And, why not fill out two copies of a 3971.  One for your records and one for Management to process your request for leave (signed).  Fill out the form in its entirety including dates and times. If your injury is FMLA related, make sure you mark it down as such.  Put your accepted FMLA case number on the form if you have it.  This is for your protection and your responsibility.  Once you sign the form, you are accepting what is on it.  3971s should also be filled out when requesting time off in advance.  Whether it be scheduled sick leave or annual leave.  Don’t make a verbal request and think that is sufficient.  In a timely manner, request the time you need by submitting a 3971.  Management is responsible for approving or disapproving the request for leave by signing the Form 3971, a copy of which is given to the employee.  This should be done in a timely manner.  Check your LMOU for specifics.  Make sure the information on the 3971 is correct before you sign your name to it.

            Again, this is your responsibility so don’t let others do it for you.

Carol Brown

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


CA-7 Delays: Don’t Tolerate Them


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