By-Laws and Resolution Convention Report

The branch and their delegates recently attended the New York State convention of The National Association of Letter Carriers in Melville New York on Monday July 1 and Tuesday July 2, 2019.  I was honored to be the chairperson of the Branches By-Laws and Resolution Committee.  In addition to myself the other Members of the Branches By-Laws and Resolution Committee consisted of President Walter Barton, Area Rep/OWCP Rep Charlie Smith, Editor Joe Morelli and Shop Steward’s Bill Rotunda of Merrick and Sean Killeen of Islip. I would like to use this opportunity to report on the outcome of the resolutions passed at the Branch 6000 May Membership Meeting and submitted to the delegates assembled for consideration at the New York State convention.       

The following 5 Resolutions were submitted by Branch 6000 at the convention and voted on during the first session day on July 1, 2019.

1)      General Resolution calling for the NALC at the National Level develop a video of a mock recording of line items that are recorded on PS Form 1838C and 1838B, just as if a City Letter Carrier was recording Line items during an actual Route Count and Inspection. In addition, the online training shall include and explanation of the 1840 and 1840-B analysis and educate letter carriers how to represent themselves during the consultation.  The Resolution also called for the video to be published on the NALC “members only” website, so that it may be accessed by any member to learn and be tutored for the purpose of Training to ensure accuracy and integrity during the Route Count and Inspection

This resolution was recommended for approval by the New York State Committee on By-Laws and Resolution and passed without any opposition.


2)      A Constitutional change that would add a new section to Article 7, Section 2(a) to read; Sec. 2(a) 1- The one third “national per capita check” as provided for in Article 7, sec.2 (a) shall not be deducted from a member’s branch per capita check who is not in a pay status and is listed as “NO DED” meaning no deduction on the dues withholding.   


This resolution was recommended for approval by the New York State Committee on By-Laws and Resolution and passed without any opposition.


3)      A Contractual Resolution that called for the NALC to negotiate in future collective bargaining agreements a provision that requires any CCA who has been employed by the Postal Service for 360 days to be converted to a career position, and in addition  to this provision, the NALC shall also negotiate a maximization provision within Article 7, section 3 that when a CCA who works 5 days a week, 8 hours a day for 4 consecutive months that the CCA with the highest  relative standing will be converted to a career position with a flexible schedule. 


This resolution was recommended for approval and passed without any opposition, after the following amendment was offered by the New York State Committee on By-Laws and Resolution.


A CCA working 8 hours a day within ten (10), on the same five (5) days each week and the same assignment over a six-month period will demonstrate the need for converting the assignment to a full-time position.  


This change was made so the Language would be in compliance with Current language in Article 7. 3 as it pertains to “Part Time Flexibles”.


4)      General Resolution calling for the NALC to negotiate with the USPS that upon the death of an Active Letter Carrier, the Postal Installation where that Carrier worked , shall lower the flags outside in front of the Installations building  to half-staff for 3 days, In honor of their service to the Postal Service and the community in which they worked and served and out of respect for the love ones they leave behind, including their extended family of co-workers in the installation in which they worked alongside of.  


This resolution was withdrawn by the maker without prejudice because of recent Legislation from 4 U.S  Code 7 restricting federal government agencies from lowering a flag to half-staff except in instances when the President orders Federal agencies to do so upon the death of principal figures of the United States Government or formal official of the government of any state, territory, or possession of the United States or foreign dignitaries.


5)      Lastly a Constitutional Change that would have deleted the requirement in Article 6 Section 2 for requiring 5 delegates to the National Convention from “five (5) representing Branches” for nomination to the position of Nationally Business Agent was debated and voted down by Majority vote of the Delegates in attendance at the NYS Convention. The purpose of the resolution submitted by Branch 6000 would have specifically not required the endorsement of a candidate by 5 delegates at a National Convention from 5 Representing Branches attending the convention. The purpose of the Resolution would have specifically deleted the need for five individual Branches endorsements, thus the endorsements could be all or different branches or any combination of the 5. There are fewer branches attending conventions from regions, especially region 15 and the language impedes on the democratic process.


I would like to thank the above fore mention members of the Branches By-Laws and Resolution Committee and also acknowledge President Walter Barton and Executive Vice President Richard Mclehose  for the fine debate and arguments they made at the convention on the Constitutional  Resolution the branch submitted on Article 6 Section 2 referenced above.    I would also like to acknowledge the following delegates who either submitted Resolutions and or where prepared to argue and debate resolutions if necessary. Financial Secretary Vincent Calvanese, Editor Joe Morelli, Trustee Patricia McDermott, Merrick Shop Steward Bill Rotunda and Islip Shop Steward Sean Killeen.  

Lastly, I would like to note that there were no other By-Laws or Resolutions submitted by any other Branches other than Branch 6000 for consideration at the New York State convention of The National Association of Letter Carriers in Melville New York on Monday July 1 and Tuesday July 2, 2019. 

Tom Kelly

Retired Branch 6000 Officer


CA-7: Claim for Compensation

