Discussing the above topic is extremely difficult because of the seriousness and sensitivity that every person in this country and in fact the world has had to experience on a daily basis because of the COVID-19.

There is no escaping COVID-19. It is everywhere. New York City and the surrounding suburbs have been labelled the epicenter for the United States. No part, however, of the United States has been left unaffected. New York unfortunately has the highest number of reported “positive” cases and the highest number of fatalities.

On pages 4 and 5 of this paper, there are numerous articles and statements to try to make some sense of the changing workplace environment and what additional “new” benefits may be available to you depending on your circumstances.

As concerns anything that relates to medical issues those answers are best left to the medical experts and in my opinion, politicians should not be advising the public when it is “safe” to return to normalcy. Our country is making progress but we should not trade expedient economics for our long term health and well-being.

We all need to watch out for each other. Many workers in our communities have been furloughed. Schools are closed and “social distancing” prevents our normal gatherings with our Families, Friends and the Community at large. Travelling great distances and taking vacations is almost non-existent.

The benefits mentioned on Pages 4 and 5 concern additional “sick” and emergency leave as well as other benefits you might have for childcare. I know in many places that there has been a daily bombardment of service talks and there is an abundance of information about COVID-19 on the NALC, National website:

Please take the time to review these documents when you are able too. Also, do not hesitate to call the Branch office 631-789-1616 if you have any questions regarding these matters and these new benefits for guidance.

God Bless All of You and Your Families. Thank you for the job that you are doing in each of your Communities where you serve. Please be Safe, Healthy and Stay Well!

Walter Barton

Retired Branch 6000 President


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