Retiree Brunch and Raffle
Due to an error part of my article was missing in the last issue. This is the remainder.
The dues for retired members are $2.50 a month or $30.00 for the year. For that the member
is kept up on all the latest information that concerns you as a retiree which includes health
benefits, COLA’s and any legislation that could affect your pension. You also get the LIMB delivered
to your mailbox. You do not know how many retired members call the union office every week for
advice or questions about life insurance, MBA policies, how to contact OPM, health benefit
questions, and much more. Union retired members are invited to the Retiree Brunch that the
Branch has an annual event in September. All you must do is fill out the form in the LIMB and mail it back to
the union office to participate in the Retiree Brunch.
Sad to say that at these brunches the retired members in attendance are not the newly retired
members, they are the “old timers.” It seems the newly retired members do not stay in the union for
some reason or another. I don’t think it has to do with the $2.50 a month out of your annuity check,
that is less than one medium cup of coffee at 7-eleven. If you don’t know, after you retire you have
to sign up again to stay as a union member. If you have any questions about staying as a union
member after you retire, call the union office, and speak to the Financial Secretary Sean Killen.
Every year I personally send out raffle tickets to all the retired members that have remained in the
union for a raffle that is conducted at the Brunch. The raffle tickets are 6 for $10.00 or $2.00 each.
This will allow you to be in the raffle, with the winning amounts are for the Grand Prize $1,000 or 1 st
prize of $250.
I would like to acknowledge this year’s winners: for the Grand Prize of $1,000 was Mike Birbiglia
from the Wantagh Post Office and the 1 st place winner was Vicky Bering of the Levittown Post
Office. Congratulations to both! Like that old saying, “you have to be in it to win it’!
I would like to acknowledge Director of Retirees Frank Melisurgo for putting the Retiree Brunch
together. Every year Frank works hard on making the Retiree Brunch such a success, for you the
retired member. Thank you for your hard work, Frank!