Curtail Call

           This will be my final LIMB article as a Full-Time Officer. 

           After 41 years in the USPS I have decided to retire.   I started working at the Massapequa Post Office as a Letter Carrier in February 1979.   I became the alternate Shop Steward in 1981 and the Chief Steward in 1983.   In 1990 I ran and was elected to a Trustee position on the Executive Board of Branch 6000, while still working in Massapequa PO.  The Carriers I represented in Massapequa were second to none, and I had a great group of stewards working with me- Tony Ierfino, Bobby Bellezza and Gary Otten. 

            In 1992 I became the Branch’s Health Benefit Rep.  In 1997, at the age of 40, I became a Full-Time Union Officer for the Branch.   As a Full-time Officer I have held numerous positions, Area Representative, Recording Secretary, First Vice President and Executive Vice President.  Through those years I have also held many other positions-Congressional Liaison, Scholarship Chairman, the Branch’s first Food Drive Chairman and Muscular Dystrophy Association Chairman.                                   

            Along the way I have met numerous Congressional and Senate Representatives, and have had the honor of meeting and speaking with President Bill Clinton twice.  As a Full-Time Officer I have worked under three Branch Presidents- the first was the fine leader Joe LaPlaca, the second was my first full-time officer and mentor-Dom Prestano, and finally- the hardest working man in the Union and current President- Walter Barton.  I have learned from them all, but I would not have made it this far without Dom’s guidance in those early years.

           I have worked alongside some of the best Union Representatives in this country, right here at Branch 6000.  Men and Woman who have worked tirelessly to try and help the Letter Carriers of this Branch.  The current group of Richie McLehose, Tommy Siesto, Carol Brown, Vinnie Calvanese, Charlie Smith and Jimmy Jongebloed do a tremendous job.   Past officers and other executive board members, too numerous to mention here, have also done a great job. When I went Full-Time in 1997, Richie McLehose went Full-Time on the exact same day.  Together Richie and I have worked side by side the past 23 years.  I could not ask for a better friend than Richie.  He was, and still is, the first guy I go to when having a problem.  He has always been there for me.  Thank you Richie. 

            I would also like to “Thank” all the great stewards I have worked with through the years.  You have made my job easier by doing your job as the “front line” representative for the Letter Carrier’s we represent. 

           Though I have held numerous positions during my career, the one closest to my heart has been Muscular Dystrophy Association Chairman.  I started in that position in 1990.  During the past 30 years I am proud to announce that this Branch has raised $922,965.00  for this very worthy cause.  This is what I am most proud of.  During that time, with the MDA, I have had the help of many people, but none more helpful than my Assistant MDA Rep. - Charlie Smith, my brother from another mother- Don Gocinski and my wife Cathy.  We ran many events, but the most enjoyable event for me was the “Rock and Blues Concerts”.  So many bands donated their time to this event, but I would like to especially “Thank” Massapequa Letter Carrier Joe Kmiotek, Retired Letter Carrier and WBAB deejay Joe Rock and past Letter Carrier Kenny Bornholdt.  It has been a wonderful run.

           I would be remiss if I did not “THANK” my family.  Being a full-time officer means many days and nights away from home working. My family has been nothing but supportive.  To my wife, Cathy, there is nothing I have accomplished in my life without your help and love.   I have been blessed to have you in my life.  To my kids, Christina and Stephanie, I am so proud of both of you.  And of course to my son, Joe, you will be forever in my heart.

           I would like to also “THANK” all the Letter Carriers I have had the great privilege to represent over the years.   Letter Carriers are the backbone of the Postal Service.  You are hard working people who deserve everything you get and much more.  It has truly been my honor to represent you.  I hope I have, in some small way, helped to make your job a little better. 

          And one final note- Although I will be retiring as a representative of Letter Carriers, I am happy to report that I will be staying on as “Scholarship Chairman” for the Branch.   This is a function I really enjoy, presenting scholarships every June to the well deserving children of members who are entering college. 

               And so - THANK YOU ALL- AND GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Nick D'Avanzo

Scholarship Chairman


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