Hello, I’ve Always Been Here

Greetings, my name is Joseph Morelli. For those of you who do not know me, I am the current Director of City Delivery and Safety for Branch 6000 as well as the Union Dispute Resolution Team Member for the NALC Region 15/Long Island District; that is at least until Friday, May 21, 2021. As of Saturday May 22, 2021, I will become the new Area OWCP Rep as well as the Branches newest Full-Time Officer. I would like to thank all of those who have helped me to become the Union Advocate that I am today. I consider myself to be very fortunate. In my 20-year Postal career, I have crossed paths with some very talented Union Advocates and Managers and have learned from some of the great minds in our organization. I will work hard to live up to the expectations of my mentors as well as that of the Membership.

Growing up in Eastern Suffolk, I had only the vaguest idea where Freeport was. However, on Saturday September 23, 2000, I walked into the Freeport Post Office for the very first time as Postal Employee. It was very different environment from the Rocky Point Italian Bakery I had worked in since I was barely 18. The Freeport Carriers took me in as one of their own and made me feel as comfortable and supported as I suffered through the aches and pains of learning to how to be good little blue soldier in an endless march through the rain and snow. The first time I asked my Full Time Officer, Walter Barton, for help I was really struggling with the beginnings of my impending divorce. Walter had helped me to secure a transfer to the Seattle area to move in with my mother and sister. It was Walter that talked me out of what would have been the worst mistake of my life. I felt indebted to Walter and the Union.

In 2006, Kathy Friedman took over as my Full Time Officer and mentor; the following election I was elected as the Alternate Shop Steward. With Kathy’s help and guidance, I became more involved and proficient in Union activities and grievance handling. In 2009, I was elected as the Chief Shop Steward. In 2010, I began working intermittently on Joint Route Adjustment Processes, performing Route Analysis and Adjustments. Later that year I was appointed to the Branch 6000 Executive Board as a trustee.

In the summer of 2012, I worked out of the Branch Office as a Political Liaison for the Union, developing political business leads to defeat Congressman Darrell Issa’s misguided attempt to dissolve the USPS with H.R. 2309. In October of 2013, the Branch sent me to the USPS Bolger Center in Potomac, Maryland to take the Dispute Resolution Process training course. I spent my 43rd birthday pouring over the contract two days before passing one of the hardest exams I have ever taken. I was activated as DRT Team Member the first week of June 2014 and began my tutelage under Mr. Charlie Smith. Charlie was my DRT Drill Sargent, teaching me the proper application of the contract. Within three months of starting at the DRT, I learned that I was admitted to the 18th Class of the NALC Leadership Academy, three classes over the fourth week of October, November and December. I can honestly say that the Union has taught me more about writing, planning and pubic speaking than 12 years of public-school education.

After serving as a trustee for several years, I was elected to the editor position for the Limb Leader. Between 2018 through 2020, I learned lessons of graphic arts, photography and time-management. My short tenure as the Editor taught me a new respect for the art of publication and journalism. After the 2020 election, I was elected to the position of Director of City Delivery and Safety.

I’d like to thank the Branch president; Walter Barton, the Branch’s Executive Board and the membership for the opportunity to Advocate for them. I promise to lead by example, to be generous with my time and knowledge. The only thing I ask in return is to make a smile part of your uniform.

Joseph Morelli

Recording Secretary


Somebody is Watching You


When Considering Retirement