New Insurance Cards, Pay Period Deductions, Medicare Part B Reimbursements

January 1, 2025, began our first year in the Postal Service Health Benefit Plan (PSHB), an

offshoot of the Federal Health Benefit System (FEHB). Anything new brings with it questions and

changes we need to know about. Here are the early returns. 


Members should have received their new health benefit cards by the time of this writing. If not

and you did not change plans in open season, use your old card to call your health plan. If you

did change plans and don’t have the new plan’s phone number lists the

numbers for all the plans in the PSHB system. The number for the NALC Health Plan is 1-888-


IMPORTANT: Even if you did not change plans, you must present your new ID card when you

see your healthcare providers this year. There are some number changes from the FEHB cards

to the PSHB cards. Also, your provider may not be able to verify your coverage or make the

changes by contacting your plan online. Your provider should call your plan directly. This can be

due to privacy concerns. NALCHBP members should have their provider call NALCHBP not Cigna

or Aetna for this. 


Active members have probably noticed that in Pay Period 02/25 there were two deductions for

health benefits. The PSHB plan began on January 1rst which fell on Wednesday of week one of

the pay period. The premium deductions were divided between the 2024 premiums (3 days’

worth) and 2025 premiums. Thus, the two deductions and rates. 


 What a year for retirees! There was a lot to keep up with and to know. I regret to tell you we

are not finished yet.

Medicare Part D: All retirees and annuitants have been automatically enrolled in their health

plan’s Medicare Part D prescription plan as per the Medicare Integration requirements. It is

strongly recommended that you remain in the Part D plan. Opting out will result in the loss of

ALL prescription coverage. If you did opt out by mistake or were disenrolled in error you may

have a 90-day grace period retroactive to January 1, 2025 to be reinstated without penalty.

NALCHBP members should call the plan and press the prompt for Silver Script. 

There have been many questions regarding the Medicare Part B premium reimbursements.

NALC Medicare Advantage members through Aetna receive their’s monthly. For High Option

NALCHBP members with standard Part B benefits the process is different. You must be in both

Medicare B and D (Silver Script) to receive reimbursement. Up to $600 a year per individual is

credited monthly as you pay your Medicare B premiums. You must go to

www.healthequity/wageworks and set up an account. On the first screen click the link to

wageworks. Then click employee which takes you to a username and password screen. Once

you set that up the page will show your account and the available balance. If you have money

from 2024 you can claim it by 12/31/2025. To receive your money look to the right of the

screen for the link to general forms. This will take you to another screen and down the page is

the Medicare B Reimbursement link. Click it and the form appears. Print it, fill it out, send it in,

get your money! You’ll also need to include a copy of your Social Security COLA satatement

showing your monthly payments. If you pay by other means, you must provide that proof of

payment. Health Equity can be reached at 1-844-768-5644 Monday to Friday 8 AM to 8 PM to

help if you need it.

James Tuthill

Health Benefits/MBA/NSBA Representative


Doctor’s Narrative and Causal Relationship 


2025 John Pedota Memorial Scholarship Award Application